47- Mario Kart

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Chapter 47- Mario Kart

So, I have not been in the best state of mind these last few days, so I was going to write a Marliza set up chapter, but I need to write some cute Lams and Mulette stuff.

Also, I stole this idea about the Mario Kart from a drawing that Caw-Chan did. I will insert the photo above because it is HILARIOUS!

Alexander's POV

I am sitting up, leaning my back against the edge of the couch, and my left shoulder is leaning against John. Hercules is sitting on the couch, with his knees bent, and Lafayette has his head on Herc's knees.

Laff is messing around with his phone, Instagram or something, but Herc, John and I are doing something that could ruin our friendship.

Playing Mario Kart.

Doesn't sound bad? Well, you have obviously never played Mario Kart against two very, very competitive friends, yourself being competitive yourself.

It is like Monopoly. It destroys friendships.

John grins and rubs his hands together, "You realize that I am the king of Mario Kart, right?"

I smirk at him, saying "We'll see about that."

Herc looks smug and mutters something.
"What did you say?" John and I ask at the same time.

"I said, that you two already fight like an old married couple, and you are just proving my point here."

John just grins and moves his head so that I can lean my head on his shoulder.

I crawl down to under the small TV and turn on the old super Nintendo that Herc brought, being the prepared dad friend and all. I plug in controllers, handing one to the two guys on either side of me, and offering one to Laff. He waves it away. I shrug and throw it back in the box.

As John selects Mario Kart, I methodically fiddle with the trigger on my controller (SEE WHAT I DID THERE).

I hear the theme music, and grin, getting onto the couch, with Herc. John follows, and he ends up sitting in the middle. We select our players and end up doing the star cup (OKay guys, bear with me. I really only play Mario Kart battle, so the track names are going to be wrong....sorry....).

We open up on Luigi's Circuit. About halfway through, it is going...well...not the best. Let's just say...well, I'm in last.

John and Herc are in 1st and 2nd in that order.
"So, we'll see, what now?"

I grumble out something along the like, "I'll make a comeback, I am just warming up."

~~~~~2 Hour Time Skip Brought To You By Daveed's Shy and Awkward Award~~~~~~~

By the end of the 2 hours that I played, the scene looked something like this.


In the same place as before


In second place. Laff is leaning up against his knees still, and he has about 3 Mountain Dew cans piled next to him.


First place. Is on his knees, bouncing, and has about 6 Mountain Dew cans next to him.


I am in.....last. 8th. I suck at this. I am desperately trying to get better than 8th in at least one. I also have about FIFTY ONEEEE Mountain Dew cans scattered around me at random.

They are never going to let me forget this.

I am Alex in this. Whenever I play Mario with my friends, I am in 8th and they are always 1st and 2nd.

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