30- The Fight

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Chapter 30

I am in math class right now and we are doing scientific notation **gags**

After my next class(marine biology. I want to run an aquarium), I see Jefferson with his gang of cronies. Madison (who is not too bad), Lee (who is the worst), and Levi Weeks (who has been in jail multiple times. I don't know how he got in, but whatever).

They have somebody pinned up against a wall, and are punching him. I walk a little closer to investigate, and I see that it is.....ALEX!

I spring over, pushing past Lee and Weeks. I shove Jefferson out of the way. Usually, he would be able to overpower me, but he was off guard, and Alex wasn't exactly going to let Jefferson get him easily. I grab Alex, pushing him behind me.

I walk up to Jefferson, and as, "what the heck do you think you are doing?".

He responds, with a hostile, "Your boyfriend, made me seem weak in the class that I need the most. You realize what happens to people who contradict me."

"They get what? Slammed into a wall? Is that how you handle your problems now Thomas?" I spit at him.

He can't think of a good response, so he stands there for a second before yelling "Lee, Madison, Weeks. Get over here." Before he walks away with his "friends", be turns to Alex and says "this isn't over shorty."

I grab Alex's arm, pulling him away. I can see the spark of anger in his eyes. He wants to attack, but I can't let him. He is so much smaller than Jefferson, that he would almost certainly get hurt. I can't let him get hurt.

Dragging him towards our dorm, I realize that our classes for the day were over, so I pull him back to our dorm. The whole time, he is bleeding from a cut near his eye, and he has a split lip. Along with the cuts, he has bruises on his arms, his shoulder from where Jefferson was holding him, and his jaw. I need to get him back to the dorm so that he can be patched up.

I think that he was hit hard to the head, before I got there, because he started slowing down, and his eyes were glazed over. I was afraid that he would pass out, and hurt himself even more than before. I scooped him up, bridal style. He looked at me confused for a minute, and then just looked grateful. That's when I knew something was wrong. Usually, he would insist on walking. He didn't like being reliant on other people. It scared me. A lot.

I got him home as fast as I could while carrying him. I called Angelica who was training to be a general doctor on the way home, and asked her to come over. I am trying to keep Alex conscious. I'm afraid that if I let him sleep, he will not wake up. I am hoping that it is nothing, so when I get to my dorm, I see Angelica already standing outside of our door.

She looks on worried, "what the heck happened John?"

"Jefferson and his gang."

She nods in recognition, and motions for me to set Alex down on the couch. Then she goes to work, and all I can do is wait and worry.

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