Her long legs is wrapped around his torso and her arms are around his neck greedily pulling him closer, her skirt is lifted up exposing her pink panties and pale legs.

She doesn't seem to care at all if anyone will walk by and catch them.

There's no students around and hall seem vacant making it a good place for them to suck each other's breath.

I scrunch my nose and pull out a disgust face.

Ewww, I could even hear the sloppy sounds they make.

This is the second time I saw him with some girl and this is the worst as he's doing it at school as well.

I thought it was just Jimin but then there's Taehyung.

I should have not expected.

I continued walking with an annoyed expression on my face, I even intentionally stomp my steps to get their attention but they're busy sucking eachother face.

I wish some teacher will walk on them...

"Fuck boy." I mutter intentionally loud when I walk past them and throw Tae a dirty look even though he's not looking.

Or just ignoring me.

What annoyed me even more is that he's been ignoring me since this morning, he even left to school without waiting for me.

Luckily I have a car that I rarely use since Taehyung always offers a ride but today he didn't even bother waiting for me and just left.

Taehyung is not even talking to me and would just look at me coldly everytime we crossed paths and it's bothering as much as it should be.

I'm hating Taehyung again.


"Come on pick up." I chant under my breath hoping as I pressed my phone against my ear.

My car just broke down a while ago and I'm stuck in some street on my way home, so here I am standing stupidly down the sideway with a broken car.

I need Taehyung to pick me up so I dialled his number but that Idiot isn't even answering my call.

He's declining every call that I make, not even replying to any of my messages.

I frustratedly sigh and end the call instead with a scowl.

I give up.

He won't pick up his god damn phone anyway so what's the point.

I run my fingers through my hair in distress and breath out a heavy breath in frustration.

I'll call the other guys instead.

I scroll through my contact and pressed Namjoon's number since he's name is the first thing I found.

But before I could even make a call I saw car coming my way and pull up beside me.

I furrowed my brows, staring at the foreign car in wonder, wondering why it stop right beside of me.

I squint my eyes trying to look past through the tinted glass but the outline of a silhouette.

I should have expected.


The window roll down showing me who's behind the car that I recognize the sculprit right away.

It's Minhyun.

My face light up for some reason and I smile,


My StepBrother    Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now