Chapter 32

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Emma's POV

Our time was almost up in high school and I could tell that Killian wasnt to sure that we would still be together. I love him and he is everything to me, but after high school doesnt mean we have to end things. Does it?

"Emma come on. You have school."My mom says.

"Okay." I say.

I walked past her and my father slowly with my head hung low. My dad grabbed my arm and stopped me before I left out of the house.

"Em, is everything okay?" My dad asks.

"No. Everything is not okay. Everything is falling apart." I say.

"Hey what do you mean?" My mom asks.

"I got in. You know to Stanford University. All the way in California." I say.

"Emma thats amazing, but whats the problem?" My dad asks.

"Well its in California and everyone I love is here in Maine. I dont know if Im willing to go that far away and leave." I say.

"Emma... If this is about Killian we know he would be happy for you and he would gladly let you go to live out your dreams. Besides we are your parents and we will miss you like crazy, but this is what you've wanted since you were a little girl and you saw the documentary about Stanford. Emma we all want you to be happy so we will let you go. So dont worry about all of us." My mom says.

"Hun I dont think thats what she wanted to hear." My dad says.

"I better go." I say and walked out.

When I got to school I didnt feel like talking to anyone not even Killian. So when I saw him I couldnt fight the tears. I wanted to just run away, but I couldnt move and Killian did come over to me and just hugged me.

"Whats the matter my love?" Killian asks me.

"My dream school accepted me, but I dont want to leave. What am I suppose to do? Help me. Tell me what to do." I say.

"I cant do that love. This isnt my choice to make. Yeah Im terrified to lose you, but I will not stop you from your dream. Emma I want nothing but your happiness and if that means you leave here and start another life then so be it. I will not hold you back. I would be able to live with myself if I was the reason you turned down your dreams. Whatever you decide I want it to be because its what you wanted not because of me." He says.

"Even if that means we have to break up and go our separate ways?" I question.

"I hate that question, but yes. Now since we only have a few months left lets make the most of what we have left." He says.

He kissed my head and whipped my tears away for me. I could tell this was hurting him as much as me. Though what am I suppose to do now? One one hand I leave and live out my dream, but on the other if I stay I will be with Killian. This is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I just hope I make the right choice. Whatever that may be.

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