Chapter 30

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Emma's POV

I didnt tell my parents my plan cause I didnt want them to worry about me. Though I know telling them is the right thing to do I just dont want them mad or to make me change my mind.

"Emma... Killian's here." My mom says.

"Cool. I guess I'll see you guys later." I say.

"Wait look I love how close you and your boyfriend are, but I dont think you should go out at night when James is still out there." She says.

"But mom. I promised to go out with him tonight besides he will protect me from James. So there is no need to worry." I say.

"Emma! MaryMargaret get down here now!" My dad yells.

We went downstairs quickly and I saw Killian talking with my dad and I knew he must of told him what we are doing.

"David whats wrong?" My mom asks.

"Killian just told me that Emma is meeting up with James at the town line to try and make him confess to what he has done." My dad says.

"I cant believe you told him. Why did you tell him?" I ask.

"Well he asked what we were doing and to make sure to keep you far from James. The real problem here was you didnt tell them as we discussed." Killian says.

"Okay your right. I didnt tell them cause I knew they wouldnt let me and then your father would be killed and I would be to blame." I say rested my head on Killian's arm.

"Emma I cant let the two of you do this. As a parent I have to protect my child." My dad says.

"No dad. Your still hurt and I have to do this. If it means that what happened can never happen again then Im doing it. Im sorry, but its not just our family thats in danger anymore. Killian only has his father left and I wont let this crazy brother of your make it so Killian has no one. I just cant do that. Im sorry, but we have to go." I say pulling Killian out.

"Swan... Are you sure?" Killian asks me.

"Yes Im sure. Now time to go." I say.

We met up with James and as predicted he said what we knew he would say. Then everything happened so fast, but it was over. No one was hurt and no one will be hurt. Thats what we thought until Killian and I went to his house to celebrate and found his father hanging on for dear life with a deep cut on his side and lots of blood. We didnt understand this cause according to the doctors and ambulance it was fresh and happened around the time we were with James. So the only questions I have is who did this and why? Though that doesnt matter right now Killian needs me and I have to be here for him or who knows what he will do.

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