Chapter 15

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Killian's POV

After fighting Neal at school my father wasnt to happy with me. Mainly because he was afraid that I could lose my temper and hurt Emma. Although I could never hurt the woman I care about he was right. I did have a temper and I could hurt someone even my Swan. Not on purpose, but sometimes my anger gets the better of me and I hate it.

"You know after yesterday everyone here is afraid of you." Regina says.

"I dont care. I will teach them not to lie about me. It also teaches them that I will beat anyones ass who starts something with me." I say.

"Yeah. Anyway... I went over to your house last night and you wernt there. Where were you?" She asks.

"Nowhere, besides Im not the guy you snuck your claws into. That would be Robin. Why didnt you go to him?" I ask.

"Well first off Robin was with me and second just because my claws are in Robin doesnt mean that you cant be at your house so we could talk about what happened." She says.

"Look Neal pissed me off and I beat his ass so what." I say.

"Then why wernt you home and who bandaged up your hand? Also why does Robin know what your hiding and why are you two keeping things from me?" She asks.

"Regina, I wasnt home cause I was somewhere else. Who bandaged my hand was someone nice enough to help. Robin is my best friend and I hated lying to him. We are keeping one thing from you cause if you learn the truth you will be well you. We cant have that. So Im sorry if you feel alittle left out, but Im not telling you anything." I say.

After that I kept my distance from Regina. I know she is like my sister and I trust her. I just dont trust how she will treat Emma if she learns the truth. After school I went over to Emma's and she seemed nervous.

"Hey your finally here." Emma says and kiss my real quick.

"Yeah whats up Swan?" I ask.

"Okay my dad has to work late and my mom wants to be with him and I dont want to be alone. So could you please stay with me tonight?" She asks nervously.

"Yeah of course. I wouldnt want you to be alone." I say.

"Thank you." She says.

After her parents left she and I just cuddled on the couch and I knew something was bothering her. It was making her very nervous.

"Swan are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah... Its just...." She says.

"Its what Swan. Talk to me." I say.

"Okay here it goes. Now I know you might not know if you feel this way about me yet, but I cant hold it in any longer. Killian, I love you." She says.

"Oh..." I say.

"Okay... Now this is weird." She says standing up.

"No Swan. Calm down because I love you too. I just didnt think you loved me... Well yet." I say pulling back on the couch.

"Well I do. I love you Killian Jones." She says.

"And I love you Emma Swan." I say.

Our lips met and it was like our relationship was now even stronger then it was before. It was true I love my Swan and she loves me. Things are going great. Which makes me fear that something will go bad. I wont worry about that cause I have my Swan and thats all I need.

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