Chapter 26

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Emma's POV

Things have been getting better... Well somewhat. My father is awake and can return home, Milah and Neal have been on look out of my dad's twin, and I had Killian to lean on when I started to get freaked out. I know working with our exes is alittle weird, but we have to we think its best that the less who know about this the better. Although Killian seems to think I should ask my dad if he knows about his brother.

"Swan come on. Just ask him." Killian says as I pace around my room.

"And what if he doesnt know about his brother or worse what if he does and knows why his brother would want to hurt us." I say.

"Look we wont know if we dont try. Now come on." He says taking my hand.

We walked downstairs and he walked me over to my father's bed. My dad looked at us in a confused manner not knowing that to say to us.

"Okay if your about to tell me you knocked up my daughter. Just wait until I can move again. Your a dead man." My dad says to Killian.

"No. Dad thats not what we... Well thats not what I was going to say." I say.

"Oh then continue." My dad says.

"Now I want you to be honest. Tell me the truth. Just look my in the eyes and say yes or no to the question." I say.

"Well he cant unless you ask." Killian says.

"He's right Em. Whats your question?" My dad asks.

"Do you have a twin brother who wants to destroy you?" I ask.

My dad didnt look shocked when I asked that he looked worried. As if something was wrong. My mom walked over to us and placed her hand over my dad's.

"Tell her David. She deserves to know the truth." My mom says.

"The truth?" I question.

"Now Emma listen to your father." My mom says.

My dad didnt say anything right away and he just looked at me worried about something I didnt quite understand.

"Emma, my sweet lovely girl. I want you to know that what Im about to tell you is the hardest thing I will ever have to do." My dad says taking my hand.

"Dad your scaring me whats going on?" I ask.

"My twin brother wanted everything I had. He would come here and see what I had and either broke friendships or relationships while pretending to be me. Then one day he took it to far and got put away for a few years. You see my sweet he wont hurt you. He was after me. Well to kill me that is and to kidnap you. You might be wondering why? Well he practically stole my identity and raped your mother.... Emma Im not your father.... He is." My dad says.

I couldnt even speak I just pulled my hand away from him and ran out the door. No surprise that Killian followed me and just held me close to him when he caught up to me. I just cried into his chest realizing that all I've ever know is a lie. What was to happen now? I dont know, but what I do know is I cant go home not now. Im just lucky I have a sweet and wonderful boyfriend who will let me stay with him. This is just to much to handle right now and all I need is just alone time with Killian. Thats all I need right now.

A/N: Okay Im know that got alittle weird, but stay with me. I have another little twist coming soon. If you want maybe you could try and guess it. Just let me know what you think. Thanks.

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