Chapter 3

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Killian's POV

After having a conversation with Emma Swan I felt like an idiot boy with a bad crush. After running into her and having her boyfriend see or whatever people started to noticed me and not in a good way.

"Killian come here." Regina says pulled me into the closest class room.

"Do you enjoy pulling me around?" I ask.

"Well yeah, but thats not why I did it. See after your run in with Emma, Neal had told the hole school and tried to well do stuff to her." She says.

"Wait thats why people are looking? I just thought he told people that I was a loser trying to get cool or something." I say.

"Well that isnt it. I told you this crush on Emma was bad." She says.

"But Emma didnt do anything." I say.

"Ugh Killian just listen to me avoid her or this will get worse." She says.

I walked away from her and people just look at me like I tried to hurt her or something. Then a rumor spread that I did try to harm Regina. If Robin wasnt my best friend he would have thought the rumors were real.

"Look mate Im sorry Neal did this and everyone thinks your like a rapist now. I just cant believe that this was all because he saw Emma talking with you." Robin says.

"Well jealousy does terrible things." I say.

"Anyway I heard that Emma Swan doesnt believe that Neal started the rumor." He says.

"This is why I hate it here. The most wonderful girl in school is being lied and everyone believes the gossip." I say.

I then saw Emma Swan walk into the cafeteria and everyone looked as she walked over to me and Robin.

"Hey Im sorry." Emma says.

"For what love? You didnt start that rumor." I say.

"I know, but I cant help to feel like it was my fault cause I ran into you and no ones really knows you." She says.

"Dont worry about it Swan. My real friends know me and the truth and thats all that matters to me. I could careless what everyone else says." I say.

"Pshh." Robin says.

"Excuse me?" I question.

"Oh nothing." He says.

"Im sorry you'll have to forgive him." I say to Emma.

"Well I really am sorry. This will all blow over." She says to me.

We just looked at each other and all I wanted to do was just tell her how beautiful I thought she was and be able to just hold her in my arms everyday.

"Havent you done enough damage to him in one day." Regina says.

"I didnt.." Emma says.

"Oh please Emma your not so innocent as everyone believes. You and your little boyfriend just needed someone to through around and you just had to pick one of the good ones." Regina says.

"Regina stop it. Swan she didnt mean that. I dont blame you." I say.

"Well you should. Im mean look at her she knows what her little boy toy did and she is trying to say otherwise. I wouldnt fall for it." Regina says.

I looked at Emma who had now had tears in her eyes. She looked at me for a moment and the ran out crying. Regina the just sat down like she did nothing wrong. I then looked around the room and no one not even Emma's friends or boyfriend went after her. So when no one was looking I walked out and went to find Emma. She didnt deserve to be humiliated like that. I just had to make sure she was okay.

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