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“I'm not saying a hot spring isn't a good idea, I'm saying that you should think it over carefully before you just throw in some hot water pools.” Phoebe was saying as she poked at her food.

“I think I can handle designing some hot springs. If you're worried about contaminating the water supply, then don't. I can create a magic filter.” Wasp told her without looking up from the Irish stew he was currently enjoying.


“Of course. How about this: we can both design our own ideas for the hot springs and then we can meet later and talk it out.”

“You want me to design the hot springs?” Phoebe pointed to herself, a little surprised.

Wasp finally looked up, smiling at her softly. “Of course. You are my lady after all.”

Phoebe smiled as well, blushing ever so slightly as she looked away.

The two of them were in the large dinning hall of the palace. Wasp had met her there after having finished some disputes that had come up in the Chinese Gate and the Australian Gate as well as approve of two new mite perspectives in the British Gate that he had to meet personally. He told Phoebe that one had happily agreed to join and he had been sworn in, the other had politely declined and had his memories adjusted before being returned home.

Despite everything that was going on with Jean and Ratel and Phoebe, life still moved on in Nest. Wasp still had a great deal of duties other than his brother to attend to.

Which was why Phoebe had been surprised to see him coming to join her at dinner. He had finished his list of things to do today early and wanted to spend the remaining time with her. The topic had come up as to what to do with Phoebe's energy and Wasp had suggested the hot springs he had wanted to create with Jean's energy initially.

Hearing Wasp ask her to consider the design and layout for those hot springs for his precious Nest made Phoebe feel special and precious herself. For the first time Phoebe was going to take on some responsibility as Wasp's lady. The thought was exciting to her.

And she promised herself that she would do a fantastic job of it. She wouldn't let Wasp down in this. He was trusting her with some part of his Nest. She would do the best job she could.

She told him so and got only a small smile in return.

“I'm not worried, Phoebe. Besides, we're working on this together. It's like a joint project. Even if you do design something I don't like, I can correct it. Not that I think you will. I'm sure it will be great. I trust you.”

Phoebe still couldn't help the warmth that spread in her chest from hearing him say that he wanted her to do this. Still smiling, she changed the subject.

“So, on the subject of being your lady, I have some follow up questions about mage culture.”

“Ask me anything you want.”

“With the knowledge that this isn't a proposition nor an opposition to a proposition,”

“Wow, big words. This must be serious.”

Phoebe ignored the interruption, “you said that you wouldn't ever ask me to marry you.”

“I said I would never ask you to marry me in the way you're accustomed.” he corrected with a smile.

“So mages have their own marriage customs?”

“Of course. We even have a ceremony. An actual, official one this time, not one Dorone made up for the occasion.”

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