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The first thing that Phoebe noticed as she woke up was the delightful tickle of a pair of lips trailing along the smooth dip of her back. The gentle, loving touch brought her pleasantly back to wakefulness.

She was laying out on her stomach with Wasp hovering over her from behind, moving his lips up and down stopping every so often to plant a small kiss.

She moaned softly in appreciation of the feeling. She felt him smile against her back.

“Good morning.” he said softly, pressing just a bit harder against her now that she was awake.

“I think so.” Phoebe rolled over so that she was looking at him.

He moved up her body and planted a kiss on her lips. Her body was still humming with pleasure from last night. Having his lips on hers again only brought those memories sharply back and made her body start heating up with the desire to have him again.

Wasp leaned away first and smiled down at her. “Time to get up.”

“Not yet.” She put her arms around his neck to hold him in place.

“You're free to stay here all day if you wish. But I have work to do. I just wanted to see your smile before I left.” He unwound her hands as she pouted and placed a kiss in each palm.

“What are you doing today?”

“I have to check over Jean's new house to make sure I didn't miss any warps. Then I have to deal with a dispute that's come up in the Japanese Post. I still have research and translating to do on you, of course. Not to mention all of the miscellaneous things people will bring to me throughout the day.”

“You don't get many vacations, do you?” Phoebe let him sit up reluctantly. She missed the warmth of his body already.

“I take time to enjoy myself.” He ran his hand over the swell of her breast making her eyes fog over just slightly and causing her breathing to deepen. “Just not at the moment.”

Phoebe pouted again as he moved away from her and stood from the bed.

“And what am I supposed to do all day?” she asked, sitting up. She let the sheet fall to her waist and looked at it for a moment, confused. Should she cover herself? Was there really a point anymore?

Before she could decide, she looked up at Wasp who was looking at her, his eyes burning with desire and approval. Phoebe suddenly felt very feminine and powerful. She couldn't remember ever putting that look in a man's eyes. It filled her with a sense of pride and sexuality. She couldn't help but twist ever so slightly, pushing out her chest just a bit more to see the effect it would have.

It was instant and satisfying to see his eyes darken just a bit more and see his fingers twitch with the desire to reach out for her.

“I have work.” he said, more to himself than her and turned around.

Phoebe giggled and stood up quickly. She wrapped her arms around Wasp's neck from behind and kissed the side of his face.

All Wasp could focus on was her breasts pressing enticingly into his bare back. He may be a mage but he was also a male and he had all the male instincts. It was very hard to focus with a beautiful woman clinging her naked body to his like this.

“What does your lady do all day?” she asked him as she squeezed him tight. “I can't leave the Nest so I can't go back to class. What am I supposed to do with my time?”

“Whatever you like.” Wasp reached back and ran his hand along the smooth skin of her thigh. He was barely paying attention to what she was saying. He was worrying about how he was supposed to see to his responsibilities with such a temptress waiting for him in his bed. “And you aren't forbidden to leave Nest, just to go back to Second Point. Why don't you go to one of the other posts. I hear Milan is nice anytime of year.”

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