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“Is all this necessary?” Phoebe asked looking around her with a half smile.

“Not at all. But everyone insisted on the ceremony and you agreed.” Wasp smiled at her as he set down the very same book she had seen him use during Jean's bonding ceremony.

Phoebe couldn't help but laugh slightly.

Phoebe was swearing in today. She was officially becoming the lowest totem pole member of Nest: a mite. By swearing to keep Wasp's secrets she marked her official initiation into Nest. The first time that he used her energy would automatically bump her up to drone status. After that she had to perform some service to the hive to earn the title of worker and her own bonding ceremony.

When Phoebe asked what constituted as a service, Wasp had shrugged. It could be anything so long as it was beneficial to the hive. Jean's service was simply to keep Second Point clean. Phoebe had asked if that was it and Wasp nodded. She cleaned Second Point everyday from the moment she became a drone until the day of her ceremony. It was a simple act but it was beneficial and Wasp hadn't asked her to do it. Wasp couldn't ask you to perform the service, you had to do it on your own. But that was enough to earn her worker status.

Basically, the service didn't have to be big. He wasn't asking for much. Just prove you cared for the hive and earn your place. Phoebe figured that was easy enough though she couldn't copy her sister's example. Not only because that wouldn't count but because Nest never needed cleaning. The valley was always pristine.

But worrying about that was for later. For the moment all Phoebe needed to worry about was her swearing in to be a mite. That involved a little pomp and circumstance. Not as much as the white gown/silver dagger affair that was the bonding ceremony but there was still some flash and pointless customs to be observed.

The two of them were sitting in Wasp's room on the floor in front of his fire. Unlike the bonding ceremony that was performed in the alter room specific to your post, the swearing ceremony could be performed anywhere. They had chosen Wasp's room simply for convenience. It was night as it usually was between them because of what he did.

Besides the leather bound book that Phoebe imaged was only for show now as it had been during the bonding, Wasp had also placed a small bowl of water in front of her with a single petal floating on the surface. Phoebe recognized it as belonging to the flower that grew in Wasp's magical valley. Beside that on the left was a small, white burning candle and to the right was a piece of parchment that was completely blank but held a white feather quill pen on it. Wasp sat behind them with Phoebe opposite him in front of them.

He flipped open the book and skipped to the page she imagined held the spell he wanted but didn't need to look at anymore. He didn't use magic this time, he simply flipped the pages.

Wasp had already taken Phoebe through what was going on here, on the steps she needed to take this magical oath. It was simple enough, a lot of show for something he could do just by getting her to speak. Phoebe had to admit that she was enjoying the pageantry.

The oath she was taking was simple. It was also magical in nature. Taking the oath meant that Phoebe physically could not break it. Even if she tried she would be unable to. It was, Wasp told her, an oath of his own invention. Most magical oaths placed a punishment on breaking the oath. He hadn't wanted to place that over the heads of his hive so he had created the first ever unbreakable magical oath.

Simply put, Phoebe would swear to never bring someone to the Nest or posts without permission. She would swear to never reveal Wasp's nature or any of the inner working of Nest without permission. She would swear to protect the Nest at all costs. They were rather straightforward and demanded her loyalty to the Nest. As Wasp's lady, it seemed only natural for her to promise.

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