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Phoebe took special care when she dressed that day. She had asked Wasp what the dress code was and he assured her that there wasn't one but she still wanted to make sure she was appropriately attired.

As usual, it was mostly her jewelry that stood out on her outfit. She had picked a simple black dress and adorned it with multiple golden bands. Around her waist, around her neck and arms and wrists, a few of them even had gleaming citrines dangling from them. Even her gold heels had citrines. She pulled back her hair, applied her make up with a careful hand, and spent far more time than Wasp really thought necessary just pondering over every single aspect of her outfit.

After all, it wasn't everyday your little sister had a life changing ceremony to join paradise.

Jean was still furious at her. When Phoebe had joined Wasp in Second Point for the ceremony preparations through the week, her sister had refused to even look at her.

Now she was getting ready for the event, an official guest of Wasp's, and wondering if her sister would bother to speak to her today. It was supposed to be a happy day. She wasn't even going to bring up the fact that neither of them had been home in over a week. It was Jean's day, she wouldn't want to hear things like that.

When she finally came down to the main hall of the palace, Wasp was waiting for her.

“Do you always take this long to get dressed?” he asked. When he turned to look, the rest of his thought died in his throat.

“Was it it worth it?” Phoebe asked, turning for his benefit.

Wasp swallowed forcibly. He couldn't miss that Phoebe purposefully wore the jewelry he created for her more than anything else. He liked seeing her in the things he made, it filled him with a special sense of pride and power. Seeing her now, having dressed up in his creations so beautifully, the desire hit him with the force of a mallet.

He was suddenly struck with a fierce possessiveness. This girl was his. He knew it with a certainty that was as sudden as it was unshakeable. No other man would ever be permitted to touch her, to feel her sweet kiss or warm embrace. She was his and his alone.

His hands were reaching for her of their own volition. She didn't protest when he grabbed her by the waist and slammed her hard against his lips. If she moaned, it was only in pleasure. When her hands made fists in his shirt, it was only to bring him closer.

When he finally pushed her back, her eyes were foggy and her lips parted, temptingly bruised.

“Not that I'm complaining,” she said, licking those same lips, “but what was that for?”

“I wanted to.” he tightened his grip on her for just a moment before he released her.

He grabbed her hand and led her from the palace.


This time, Phoebe wasn't an intruder, she wasn't barging in. This time, she got to the see the ceremony from start to finish.

Jean wasn't even in the room when Phoebe and Wasp walked inside. Carolyn was there to greet them as well as the workers that lived either in Avian or Second Point itself. They would be the only ones allowed at the ceremony. Drones and mites weren't invited.

Phoebe was the only outcast.

Carolyn, who smiled at her warmly, didn't treat her like one though. “Hey, Bee. Did Wasp tell you how this works?”

Phoebe nodded as Wasp left her side to begin setting up on the alter. “He took me through the basics.”

“Good.” Carolyn smiled. “So, what we're going to have happen is, after Wasp initiates her and completes the binding, you two are going to walk Jean into the Nest together.”

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