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“Ratel, hey.” Phoebe smiled back at him just as happily but didn't step aside to let him in. “What are you doing here?”

“Can't I come to check on my best friend?” he looked a bit confused at the question.

“Of course.” she laughed nervously hoping that it wasn't obvious.

Phoebe just couldn't believe that her smiling friend was Wasp's brother. Surely Ratel couldn't be such an unusual name. There had to be more than one person named that. He didn't look like a dangerous leech mage, he looked like a normal guy. He was a normal guy, she was sure of it.

But a promise was a promise. She had to get rid of him.

“I'm kind of busy today, Ratel. So...” she said apologetically as she made to close the door.

His hand shot out and grabbed onto it so fast she didn't even see him move. His smile didn't fade. “Wait, I've been worried about you Phoebe. You stopped coming to class. I've been calling but you don't pick up your phone.”

“I know.” she grimaced. “Like I said, I've been busy. I really have to go now, Ratel.”

“Can't I come in for a minute?” he looked surprised, even a little hurt at her rejection.


“Busy.” he finished, his face darkening. “Yeah. Fine. I'll see you later.”

Phoebe was torn as she watched him walk dejectedly down her front path. She had promised Wasp but she knew she was right. Ratel was her friend and she was throwing him away just like that? Without any real proof? What kind of horrible friend was she?

“Wait!” she called out.

He took a few more steps before he decided to listen and turn back. He looked a little hopeful and it broke her heart to think she was so mean to him.

“Maybe I have time for a quick drink.” she suggested apologetically.

Ratel smiled at her and came back happily. “I brought the notes for everything you missed in class. They're in my car.”

Phoebe beamed. “Thank you. That's so nice.” See? What did Wasp know? What kind of evil leech mage did something like take notes for his absent friend? No kind, that's what because Ratel was just a normal guy with an abnormal name.

Smiling at this proof of her friend's innocence, she led him into the kitchen as he talked about what she had missed while away. They only had one class together but it was one less class she had to worry about now. Despite what Wasp said, she still wasn't willing to drop out.

As she poured them both a glass of lemonade, he talked to her about meaningless things. What was going on with the people in class, life at home, a few fun stories from around the neighborhood that she had missed out on.

“I've been worried that you were mad at me.” he admitted nervously once she had them both served and was sitting across from him at the table.

“Why would you think that?” Phoebe asked, stirring her lemonade with her straw. She wasn't really thirsty but she supposed having the glass would give her something to do with her hands.

Despite her complete conviction that Ratel wasn't who Wasp thought he was – Wasp wasn't lying, just mistaken – she still felt guilt over having him here. She had promised after all. She would sooth that part of herself by getting him out as quickly as was politely possible. Besides, he had come to her, not the other way around. Surely Wasp couldn't get mad at her for answering her door.

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