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“She's furious.” Dorone told Wasp as he walked into the hall.

“Yeah. I got that.” Wasp couldn't stop himself from smiling.

“And you're enjoying it?” Dorone asked, looking at the smile disbelievingly. “I didn't know you were such a sadist.”

Wasp only laughed. They were in the main hall of Second Point. Wasp was going through a few old books of his. Journals, handwritten manuscripts, things mages that came before him put on paper for the future generations to learn from. He had quite a few such things, his collection was very impressive. These he had Dorone bring him from his home. He was trying to find ways to carefully and efficiently remove the memory spell his brother placed on Phoebe. He knew a way to do it, he just wanted to be sure his was the best way.

The main hall of Second Point was part of the underground tunnel system that Wasp himself had dug. The tunnels were quite extensive with bedding areas, common rooms, kitchens, and game rooms spread throughout. They had all been carved out by him, his magic that he drew on the Nest members there to create. The main hall was the biggest of the rooms, across from the ceremonial room and the room Phoebe would have reached if she had chosen to go left instead of right the first time she had visited. There was a large, magical fireplace inside that had a fire but no smoke. It was brighter than a standard fire and lit the whole large room like an enormous light bulb. There were many small tables scattered throughout the room, Wasp was seated at the one furthest from either of the exits that were on opposite ends of the room of each other.

There were only a few other people in the room. It was a nice day out and a great many of the drones had opted to spend it outside instead of in.

“Jean isn't all that happy either.” Dorone continued.

“Jean?” Wasp looked up from the book he had been reading, surprised. “Why is she unhappy?”

Dorone shrugged. “She doesn't really like that Phoebe is here. Phoebe isn't all that happy to be here either so I guess it's fair.”

“She's here for everyone's safety.” Wasp looked back to his book and flipped a page absently. “Ratel is planning something again.”

“Yeah, big surprise.” Dorone stifled a yawn. “So, what are we going to do about Jean and Phoebe's mom?”

“Must we do something about her?” Wasp asked absently as he flipped another page. He wasn't really paying attention to the writing anymore. He was thinking more about the anger that had been across Phoebe's face when he had her locked in the very same room she had been in before.

He hadn't been pointlessly flirting with her, he truly was interested in her. Yet, it seemed, at every turn he was forced to act in a way that only made her hate him. She had forgiven him easily enough for hiding her memories from her; he didn't think she would be quite so magnanimous for locking her up again.

However, Wasp's hands were tied. His duties to his hive came first. If she was a risk, she had to be properly dealt with. Proving he spoke the truth, he supposed, was the quickest way to get her to stop being angry with him and realize he was right and she needed to listen to him.

“Of course we do.” Dorone looked surprised that he would ask. “Parents tend to worry when their children just stop going home. Especially their good children.”

“I suppose Jean will have to make up a few lies for me.” Wasp shrugged, indifferent. He had never been a parent, he never really had a parent, at least not the kind that would worry if he disappeared for a while, so he couldn't really relate. “I can't leave Second Point, not with Ratel waiting for me out there. Too dangerous.”

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