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Phoebe was back inside Nest, which suited her just fine. It was easier than being in Second Point where she got a great many glares just for her presence. She had a feeling that most of those were the result of Jean and her anger. No matter that it was Wasp himself that brought her here, in Jean's eyes she had stolen something of hers. That dislike was spreading quickly around Second Point.

However, here in Nest, no one really cared. Some people even called out a greeting to her as she and Wasp passed through on their way to the palace. He then left her in the entrance hall with a quick kiss telling her that he needed to visit his workroom for a few things and that she was free to explore the palace again if she wished.

Phoebe hadn't really felt up to it. So she had instead gone to the tallest tower where her beautiful room waited for her. She had gone over to the reflecting pool and had spent her time staring into the crystal clear water.

It was only after a few minutes of staring that she noticed something she hadn't before. In the water, swimming around quickly and happily, was a group of beautiful fish. They were all slightly translucent but they were also tinted each a different, bright color. Blue, purple, pink, yellow; it was barely noticeable. Had she not been staring she might never have noticed them at all. They were no bigger than her thumb, they darted quickly under the surface, and their scales even seemed to glitter slightly.

Because she couldn't resist, Phoebe put her hand in the water in an attempt to touch them. She knew better than to think she actually could but part of her wanted to try anyway. To her surprise, instead of scattering at her hand's intrusion, the fish all swirled in and around her fingers. Phoebe giggled as they began tickling her but she didn't draw her hand back. They wouldn't be dangerous, she knew Wasp better than that.

“They eat dead skin.”

Phoebe turned to look at her doorway where Wasp was standing with a smile, a book in his hand.

“They do?” she reluctantly drew her hand back and stood up.

“They're good for you.” he explained, coming in closer. “It makes your skin softer.”

As if to prove it to himself, Wasp took her hand in his free one and began caressing the palm of it with his thumb. Phoebe smiled at the sensation but pulled her hand back from him as well.

“What's the book for?” she asked, turning and walking to her bed. She sat on the edge and looked back at him. He had followed her and was sitting beside her even as she sat herself.

“This is to help me break the memory spell Ratel has on your mind.” he explained. He opened the book to a pre-marked page and scanned the words. Phoebe tried to read them as well but they were in a language she didn't recognize. “It's pretty straightforward, just time consuming.”

“Wait, hold on.” Phoebe stopped him nervously. The pain of the last time her memory had been returned was still fresh on her mind and she wasn't sure she was willing to risk it again.

“You want your mind back, right?”

“Of course I do.” Phoebe hesitated. “I mean, if you're telling the truth. Which I still don't think you are. I don't think you're necessarily lying but how do you know my Ratel and your Ratel are the same Ratel?”

“Your Ratel?” Wasp repeated, his eyes narrowing slightly.

“It's just a distinction.” Phoebe looked away quickly, her fingers playing with the pendant on the longest necklace she wore. The necklace, she reminded herself, that Wasp had made for her.

“Ratel is hardly a common name.” he pointed out after a moment. His voice sounded as calm as it usually did.

“The internet can bring you names from all over the world.” Phoebe countered, looking back. Isn't that what she had told herself was the reason for his unusual name? “It's possible that there are two Ratel's in the world. In fact, if there was only one, I would be more surprised.”

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