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“You're kidding about this, right?” Dorone asked as Wasp was collecting the books he had brought with him to Second Point. Since he was taking Phoebe to Nest, he might as well return the books especially since Dorone wasn't doing it as asked.

“I most certainly am not.” Wasp answered with a smile

Phoebe was sitting back, watching them silently. They were in the main hall, Phoebe was receiving more than a few looks from the members there. Wasp, however, wasn't forcing her back to the room so she didn't care. He was packing like he was going somewhere. Curiosity and happiness at being freed made her quite happy to go along with whatever he was doing.

His statement still ran around in her mind, confusing her.

Take her to Nest? Wasn't she already in Nest?

However, Wasp refused to explain more saying only that she would see.

Dorone, having heard about it from Wasp, was less than thrilled.

“She isn't allowed in Nest.” Dorone continued to protest, waving his hand at her. “No offense, Bee.”

“It's Phoebe.” she corrected automatically. “And none taken.”

Since her chances of escaping were practically zilch at this point she was just going to go with it. Wasp assured her that her mother had been taken care of by Jean and she wouldn't be worried about her missing so Phoebe figured it was best to just do as he asked. Besides, she had to admit that she was getting more and more curious. If Second Point wasn't Nest, what was?

Dorone smiled at her then turned to glare back at the indifferent Wasp, “Only workers are allowed in the Nest. Phoebe isn't even a mite.”

“As it is my Nest, I think who is allowed there should ultimately be my choice.” Wasp smiled. “Don't worry so much, Dorone. I've got this under control. Just go get the gate ready.”

Dorone groaned. “It's because she's cute isn't it? You're just after her for her body. No offense, Bee.”

“No, it sounded like a compliment.” she responded dryly.

“There are plenty of workers who would love a night with you.” Dorone pleaded. “They're cute, too.”

“If I was looking for a one night stand, that might be tempting.” Wasp tried to shake out the mental imagine Dorone had put in his head. “And don't say it like that, Phoebe will get the wrong idea.”

“Don't take anything I'm saying wrong, Bee.” Dorone told her. “Just tune us out for, like, five minutes. Okay?”

Phoebe couldn't help but laugh. She felt like she was between two little boys who were arguing about whether or not to let a girl into the tree house.

“Just go prep the gate.” Wasp ordered. “Here.”

Phoebe watched as a ball of blue-green light formed in Wasp's hands. He tossed it carelessly over to Dorone who didn't even try to catch it. He didn't have to though, the ball slowed and sank into Dorone's chest.

“What was that?” Phoebe asked curiously. The longer she stayed, the more comfortable she was getting. She was even comfortable enough to start getting curious about Wasp's magic.

“It's a key.” Wasp explained as he stacked his books neatly onto the table. “My gates can only be opened with a key. If you don't have the key, you could stand in it forever and never get anywhere.”

“Where are we going?” Phoebe asked as Dorone grumbled unhappily.

“I told you, the Nest.” Wasp answered with a wink. “You'll love it.”

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