Chapter 24

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Myungsoo's voice echoed loudly in the now quiet hall. I turned to look at the rest of the Infinite members, unsure of what to do now that all the attention was on us.

Most of them had stopped what they were doing and had stunned expressions on their faces except for Sungyeol who was quietly laughing.

Sunggyu was the first to recover from Myungsoo's outburst and quickly picked up the microphone on the table.

"Hey, L. I know you're excited to see your old childhood friend but could you keep it down?" he said in a joking manner.

I heard murmurs in the crowd. "Ah, so she was his childhood friend." "Who is she?" "Did she go to the same school as L?"

Myungsoo seemed to remember where he was. He nodded and gave me a tight smile.

"Sorry, it's been a long time and I wasn't expecting to see you here," he said loudly enough for the fans standing near the stage to hear.

He took my piece of paper and quickly scribbled something on it. He handed the paper back to me.

"Hope to see you around again," Myungsoo said, the tight smile still stuck on his face.

I nodded and quickly scanned the piece of paper to see what Myungsoo have written.

Please don't leave. Wait for me backstage. I need to talk to you.

I turned to look at Myungsoo and gave him a quick nod. He seemed to sigh in relief and nodded back at me.

I quickly made my way off the stage. I didn't know how to get backstage and felt a bit lost when I saw a man walking towards me.

"I'm Infinite's manager," he told me. I quickly showed him the note Myungsoo wrote and he led me through a door.

He showed me to Infinite's dressing room. There were clothes and bottles of water strewn about. I moved some shirts away so I could sit on the sofa there.

"Alright. Just wait here. The fan meeting will be ending soon," the manager told me. I nodded and thanked him.

After about half an hour, I heard running footsteps outside. I looked up as Myungsoo burst though the door, slightly out of breath. He breathed a sigh of relief as he saw me sitting there. I stood up and crossed my arms, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I... I want you to know that I had no intention of lying to you.." Myungsoo blurted out.

"Riiight... ," I nodded, unconvinced.

Myungsoo sighed. "Look, Nana. Being with you was the most fun I had in a long time. When I was with you, I didn't have to be Infinite's L. I don't have to keep a cool front. I could let silly..and do what I want to do. I could be...just me..Myungsoo," he explained.

"I was afraid that if I told you who I was, you would start treating me differently. I would no longer be Myungsoo to you but Infinite's L."

I stared at him, trying to figure out what to say while he fidgeted nervously. I took a few steps closer to Myungsoo and he flinched. I felt my heart break as I realized he's expecting me to hit him.

Instead, I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a quick hug. When I stepped back, I could see that his expression was a mixture of surprise and confusion. I put my hands on his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Myungsoo, it doesn't matter if you are Infinite's L or if you are just Myungsoo. To me, you are you. And I love you for who you are and not who you need to be in front of different people, " I told him. "I love the you who pretends to be brave but actually gets scared in haunted houses. I love the you who tries to be a gentleman and pays for everything. And most of all, I love my photo buddy."

Myungsoo stared at me as the words slowly sank in. Finally, his face lit up and he broke into a smile.

"I love you too," he murmured, leaning down to give me a quick peck on the lips. "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have found a girl like you."


We turned to see the other six members of Infinite standing at the doorway.

I waved sheepishly. "I'd better go," I said, heading towards the door.

"Wait!" Myungsoo caught my arm. "I....wanted to tell you that we're having a comeback soon."

"A comeback?" I asked.

"It means that we are releasing a new album so Myungsoo has to practise with us until we have finished promotions for that album," Sungyeol explained, rolling his eyes at me.

Myungsoo nodded. "I will have to practise singing and the choreography so I'll be pretty busy but..." he pulled me closer. "I want you to come see us on the music shows during our promotion period. I'll find a way to get you the tickets. Just promise me you'll come."

He looked so desperate that I couldn't help but smile as I looped my pinky finger around his.

"I'll be there."

Secret Superstar (INFINITE L FANFIC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ