Chapter 15

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The first thing that popped into my mind as I entered Myungsoo's dorm was that it was fairly neat. But then again, I did overhear one of the guys mentioning that he was tidying things up earlier.

There were many framed pictures on the walls. Some were pictures of sceneries that I'm guessing he photographed. The rest were pictures of a group of boys.

As I looked closer, I noticed that the pictures were of him and his friends who were here earlier.

"Why do you have so many pictures of you and your friends on the walls?" I asked.

Myungsoo looked at the pictures and shrugged. "Like I said, they're more like family. We've known each other a really long time and we've been through a lot together."

I smiled and nodded. "It's great that you have friends you can count on...but were you close to your real family?"

Myungsoo looked at me and gave me a tight smile. "I love my parents and my younger brother but I've always been too busy chasing my own dreams."

I nodded, slowly. I wanted to ask him what he meant about chasing his dreams but I didn't want to push it.

There were a few guitars displayed at the corner of the room and next to them was a table with camera lenses, filters and flashes on it.

"Hey, come over here. I want to show you my favorite picture," Myungsoo gestured to the framed picture hanging above the sofa.

As I walked closer, I realized that the picture was of the waterfall where I first met him. But the focus was not on the waterfall.

I looked closer and realized that the focus was on me, taking a picture of the waterfall with my back facing him.


Myungsoo smiled. "There's no better picture than a beautiful girl standing in front a beautiful view."

I felt myself blush at his words. "So..where are the pictures you wanna show me?" I asked, changing the subject.

Myungsoo went to a drawer and pulled out a few folders.

"These are some of the pictures I took while traveling," he said, handing one of the folders to me.

I flipped through the folder and was amazed to see the unique buildings and sights that Myungsoo has captured.

Myungsoo handed me different folders and explained to me what he was trying to portray in his pictures and told me the stories behind each picture.

We spent about an hour going through the photos, discussing about lighting, angles, shutter speeds and filters.

"It's nice to finally talk to someone who gets all this photography stuff," Myungsoo said, returning the last folder into the drawer.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I hardly talk about it 'cause no one seems to understand what I'm saying," I laughed.

"Well, I do," Myungsoo said, sitting next to me.

"Do you know why that picture is my favorite?" he asked, gesturing to the picture of me by the waterfall. "They say people take pictures of the things they treasure the most...and the things that they are afraid of losing."

I could feel myself blush again and quickly looked for a distraction.

"Could you teach me how to play the guitar?" I asked.

Myungsoo blinked at me in surprise. I blinked back at him innocently.

"Sure," he shrugged, picking up his guitar.

"This is a C chord," he said, positioning his fingers on the guitar fret. He showed me a few more chords and started strumming his guitar softly.

He looked at me and smiled before softly singing in time with the strumming.

I smiled and thought back to what Myungsoo said just a few moments ago about taking pictures of things you treasure the most.

Quietly, I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him.

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