Chapter 9

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"Everland theme park?!"

"Yup!" Myungsoo nodded excitedly while pulling on his mask and sunglasses.

"Too hot for your sensitive skin?" I teased. He simply nodded.

We waited in line to buy our tickets. When it was our turn to pay, Myungsoo quickly forked over ₩104,000 to the cashier.

"Hey! Let me pay for my own ticket," I protested.

Myungsoo shook his head.

"Nope. I invited you out so it's only fair for me to pay."


Myungsoo placed his finger on my lips. "No arguing. Now, follow me."

He led the way into the theme park. I glanced around in awe at all the beautiful decorations. I was so busy looking at my surroundings that I didn't even notice when Myungsoo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"OOF!" I grunted as I bumped into him.

"Sorry," I apologized, but Myungsoo wasn't listening. He seemed to be staring at something.

I followed his gaze to see a huge tree beautifully decorated with flowers of different colors.

"Do you wanna take a picture with me in front of the tree?" Myungsoo asked.

"I thought you said we weren't going to take any pictures for this outing? I didn't even bring a camera!" I complained.

Myungsoo smiled and pulled out his smartphone. "Who needs a camera when we have this?"

I laughed and stood in front of the tree. Myungsoo stood next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. I felt my heart skip a beat but I played it cool and posed for the camera.

"Now do a funny one," I insisted. I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out the side of my mouth.

Myungsoo laughed when he saw my face. He took off his mask and then proceeded to scrunch up his face and stick his tongue out.

"This is going to be my favorite souvenir for today," Myungsoo laughed after he took the picture.

"Send it to me too and I'll make it my wallpaper," I said enthusiastically.

"Really?" Myungsoo stared at me with wide eyes.

"Sure," I shrugged. "It'll be funny. In fact, why don't you make it your wallpaper too?"

"Well..." Myungsoo hesitated.

"Let's make a bet. There's a horror maze at the other end of the park. Whoever screams the loudest have to make that picture their home screen wallpaper for a week. Deal?"


"Then let's get going. We have a long way to walk." I headed off in the direction of the horror maze.

"Wait..." Myungsoo called out. I turned around and stared at him, quizzically.

"I know a better way to get there. Follow me."

Myungsoo led the way through the crowds. I didn't know what he had in mind but I followed him obediently.

We climbed up a set of stairs and waited in line.

"What are we waiting in line for?" I asked.

"Transportation," Myungsoo said, simply.

As the line moved forward, I finally caught a glimpse of a cable car.

"Cable cars?"

Myungsoo nodded. "I've always wanted to get on one and this particular line called Skyway takes you right up to European adventure which is where the Horror Maze is located."

"Beats walking," I shrugged.

The line continued to move forward and the next thing we knew, it was our turn to get on the car.

Though I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was super excited to get on.

We got on and the car began to move across the line.

"Wow..would you look at the view!" Myungsoo said, excitedly.

I nodded but I was too distracted by how cute Myungsoo was acting. He looked like a little boy on his birthday. I continued to stare at him until he suddenly turned to look over at me.

"What?" he asked.

I blushed and turned away. Myungsoo shrugged and went back to enjoying the view.

My heart felt like it was going to burst. Why was I suddenly feeling this way? I can't be falling for Myungsoo..right?

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