Chapter 23

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I looked down at the line of Infinite members. All of them were too preoccupied with the fans in front of them to notice me. I could see Myungsoo at the very end of the table, smiling and laughing with a fan.

The first member up was the one called Sunggyu. He was the only one that seemed happy to see me that day at Myungsoo's dorm.

As the fan in front of him moved on to the next member in line, Sunggyu turned to look at me. His expression was one of surprise as he recognized me.

"Nana..?" he turned and look at Myungsoo, who was happily chatting with a fan.

Sunggyu turned his attention back to me and gave me a warm smile.

"I take it that Myungsoo doesn't know you're here?" he asked. I shook my head.

He took my sheet of paper and signed his name on it. I took back my paper to see that he had written an extra message below his signature.

Please take care of Myungsoo :)

I looked at him and he smiled at me gently, nodding at the next member in line.

I moved on to see that the next member was the one they called Sungyeol. His eyes widen when he saw me.

"OH? YOU'RE THE SASA-". The rest was of his sentence was cut off as Sunggyu clamped a hand over his mouth and shushed him.

He nodded as Sunggyu leaned in and whispered something to him.

"Sorry. You're not a sasaeng," Sungyeol said, giving me a sheepish smile. "But what are you doing here?"

I shrugged. "I'm just here to get some answers."

He nodded slowly. "Well, I hope you get the answers you are looking for," he said giving me a wink and quickly signing his name on the paper.

"Now get going. I'd love to see how Myungsoo reacts to you being here," Sungyeol said waving me down the line.

The next member greeted me with a pout. "I hope you don't make me regret letting you in," Woohyun said.

"I take it as you don't really like me?" I asked him.

Woohyun sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I have nothing against you. I just...don't want to see anyone getting hurt."

"If you are implying that I will hurt
Myungsoo then you're wrong. Yes, I am a bit annoyed that he didn't tell me about this but like I said, I'm just here to get answers."

"I'm not implying anything. Nana, do you know what will happen if the public found out about your relationship with Myungsoo?" Woohyun asked. I shook my head, slowly.

"Not only will he be hurt by all this but you as well. So be careful!" He took the paper, signed it and pointed me to the next member. I took a deep breath and moved on.

The next one down the line was the feminine guy. When he saw me, he practically squealed.

"Hi! I'm Sungjong. You're Nana, right?" I nodded.

"Myungsoo have been talking about you. Are you here to see him?" Sungjong asked.

"Well, kinda..."

Sungjong smiled. "Well, I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to see you too."

He took the paper and signed it. He drew multiple heart shapes beneath his signature. I thanked him and moved on.

The next one burst out laughing when he saw me.

"Hey there! I-" he glanced at Myungsoo and then back at me. "WE were not expecting to see you here," he said, smiling goofily.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted it to be a surprise," I joked.

He laughed again. "I'm sure L will be more than surprised. I'm Dongwoo by the way," he said, signing the piece of paper.

"Nice to meet you!" I said, smiling at his goofiness.

"Nice to finally meet you too!" Dongwoo smiled, showing all his teeth.

The next member seemed calm and cool compared to the rest. The only indication that he gave to show he was surprised to see me was to raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Hi..." he glanced at Myungsoo sitting next to him but Myungsoo was too busy taking pictures with a fan.

He shrugged and turned back to me. "I'm Hoya. Did you enjoy the show?"

I nodded. "It was amazing!"

"Thanks!" he smiled. "But I'm sure you were focusing only on one person," he said, motioning to Myungsoo.

I blushed. "No, you were ALL really amazing."

He laughed and took my paper to sign it. "Looks like the fan in front of Myungsoo is leaving. You should go and talk to him."

I thanked him and waited for the fan in front of me to say her goodbyes to Myungsoo. Myungsoo was waving at her as she climbed down the stage.

When he finally turned to look at me, I could see the shock and surprise on his face. His mouth dropped open and his eyes widen. He seemed unable to move for awhile and I got a bit frightened.

All of a sudden, Myungsoo stood up, knocking his chair back. The chair made a loud noise as it hit the stage and the whole place grew quiet.


Secret Superstar (INFINITE L FANFIC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum