Chapter 10

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It was about an hour's wait to get into the Horror Maze. Even from outside the maze, we could hear people screaming and shouting.

I was starting to regret making the bet in the first place. I was never really good with horror movies but I didn't think a haunted house attraction would have been that bad with all the fake ghosts and stuff.

The closer we got to the entrance, the more fidgety I became. I jumped whenever I heard a scream coming from inside the building. Myungsoo noticed how nervous I was and laughed.

"You were the one who made the bet and now you're scared?"

"No, I'm not," I lied. "I'm just bored from having to stand in line for so long."

"Are you sure?" Myungsoo teased. "You know we could just forget this whole thing if you're scared. You were going to use that picture as your wallpaper anyway. The only difference is now you can't change it to any other picture for a month."

"A MONTH?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, a month. Since we've been waiting in this line for 50 minutes so far I think it's only fair to increase your punishment since you were the one to back out at the last minute."

I glared at him. "Who said I'm backing out?"

"'re scared to go in aren't you?" Myungsoo asked.

"Nope. I'll go in...AND I'm going to win the bet!"

Myungsoo smirked. "We'll see about that."

After a few minutes, it was our turn to step into the house. I tried my best to put up a brave front even though my heart was pounding so hard in my chest that I was sure Myungsoo could hear it.

Myungsoo and I stepped into a dimly lit hallway with creepy music playing all around us.

I cautiously moved forward, being careful not to let anything catch me by surprise.


"Aaah!" I jumped in fright.

I turned around to see Myungsoo laughing his head off with tears streaming down his eyes.

"Hey, that's cheating!" I complained.

"Nope. It was fair and square. You just said whoever screamed the loudest lost and so far you are the only one who screamed since entering the maze," he smirked.

"We'll see about that," I mumbled.

We continued to make our way through the maze. I continued to keep a look out for any ghosts catching me by surprise.

"This isn't that scary at all," Myungsoo boasted. "I've seen clowns scarier than the ghosts here."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, hero."

Just then, I caught a glimpse of something moving behind Myungsoo. I realised that this may be a chance for me to scare him. If only I could keep him distracted until the ghost decides to pop up behind him..

"Hey, do we go this way or that way?" I pointed down two different hallways.

Myungsoo shrugged. "I don't know. You decide."

"But I can't. You do it."

Myungsoo smirked. "Are you scared? Fine. I'll decide."

As he stepped forward, the ghost behind him put a hand on his shoulder and yanked him backwards.

Myungsoo turned his head only to see the ghost's face a few inches from his own.


Myungsoo turned and ran down another hallway. I laughed and ran after him.

"Now who's scared?" I teased when I finally caught up to him.

Myungsoo simply shook his head. "I'm not scared, just surprised. Anyway, you screamed louder than me so I'm still winning."

"Yeah, right! You practically screamed your head off," I countered.

"Nope. You did!" He argued.

We were so busy arguing that we didn't notice a dark figure heading right towards us.

"UUURGH!" the ghost screamed.

"AAAAAAH!" Myungsoo and I screamed at the top of our lungs. We turned and ran down another hallway. We ran until we saw the exit sign, signalling the end of the maze.

Once we were out in the open, we stopped to catch our breath.

"Phew! We made it!" Myungsoo said, breathlessly.

I nodded. "Well, I guess that last scream at the end there meant both of us lost since we screamed equally loud."

Myungsoo shook his head. "I should have seen that dumb ghost coming."

"Yeah.." I took my phone out of my pocket.

"What are you doing?" Myungsoo asked.

I turned the phone so he could see the new wallpaper. "The punishment," I explained.

Myungsoo pulled out his own phone and changed his wallpaper to the picture we agreed on.

"I guess we'll be having matching wallpapers for a week," he smiled. "Come on, let's go grab something to eat."

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