Chapter 20

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(Peyton's point of view)
I cried the entire way back to the mansion. Ethan didn't say or do a anything. He just let it happen. He did tell me when we got there that I could keep my bedroom and my things there.

He put his hand on my thigh as we sat in the driveway. I shoved it off and went to get out of the car. He locked the doors. I glared at him. "Peyton-"

"Ethan shut the fuck up!"I yelled at him. He was frightened at my sudden outburst. "You're going to try and tell me you're sorry when you just watched you brother be tortured! Not to mention you hurt him! Then you decided to throw him off of a cliff and you want to tell me to calm down or that you're sorry! I will not hear it Ethan Grant Dolan!" I was yelling so loud that some of Ethan's men were staring at us from outside of the car.

Ethan sat there wide eyed with his jaw dropped. I reached over and unlocked the doors and climbed out of the car. Ethan just sat there. I stormed up to the mansion. One of Ethan's men tried to grab me along the way and I punched him in the face with such force he was knocked into the ground.

I stormed right into the mansion and went straight to my room. I slammed the door shut. You could probably hear it throughout the entire mansion. I stood still for a second listening. No one outside was moving. There wasn't a noise.

I ignored it and took my shoes off of my feet. I threw them to the side of the room and flopped down onto the bed. When his scent filled my nose that's when I finally broke my violent mood.

I cried for hours on end. No one bothered me. Not even Juliana because she knows when I'm like this not even she can do anything. I was skinny and pale now. I refused to eat. I drank water considering I had cried so much and I didn't want to be dehydrated.

2 weeks later....
There wasn't any light in the room. I could hear voices outside and footsteps but I ignored them. My knees were pulled to my chest and a silk sheet was covering them. I was in the bed with a shirt and shorts on. Only the shirt was Grayson's not mine.

I was just sitting in the dark. No one was around. There wasn't any noise but the sound of my sniffles and me crying. I missed him so much. His deep voice. His warm arms, soft touch,strong personality,beautifully toned skin, and most of all the beautiful hazel eyes I used to wake up to every morning.

There was a knock on the door that interrupted my thoughts. It was soft as if the person was afraid of how I was going to react. I sighed. "Come in." My voice was awful sounding as if I hadn't had water in days.

The door slowly opened and Juliana walked in. She quietly shut the door behind her and walked towards me. She sat on the edge of the bed and took off her shoes. After that she came and sat next to me. Her protective arms wrapped around me.

I started crying again. Juliana almost looked startled. "What happened Peyton?"she asked softly. I looked at her confused. The tears had stopped streaming down my face.

"What do you mean what happened?" I ask in shock. "You've been in your room for two weeks straight now and haven't said a word to me about anything." Juliana replied in a duh tone.

"You don't know?"I ask with my voice cracking slightly. "Know what?" She asked softly again realizing it was hurting me. "Kimberly and Ethan killed Grayson."I say with tears flooding back into my eyes. Juliana looked shocked and surprised.

I told her the story for about an hour and a half. We had to stop a few times because I couldn't stop crying. She sat there and listened carefully. Her face changed representing the emotions she had while I spoke.

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