Oh, be quiet! It felt

Henry though!

Kevin was like he sitting
on a dick, lmao that's why
I was laughing hard.

Mr. Dubose was like ‘Ahh!’ and
tried to grab you.

Oh nah.

Ignis snickered and inhaled, “Sorry.” he said. (Name) laughed and sat next to Ignis then.

Heels and whistling was heard in the hallway, it was obviously Elle. (Name) soon exhaled in annoyance.

“Hello, (Name).” said Elle. The (H/C) haired girl got up and walked away from the room.

Ignis huffed and leaned back against the chair watching as (Name) walked away from the room. Elle sat down in front of Ignis, “So, I heard tomorrow is (Name)'s birthday. I was wondering if we could skip it.” Elle said in a seducing way trying to convince Ignis.

Ignis just looked at Elle with no expression,


It was night, and the wind was blowing the curtains from the balcony window.

(Name) slowly placed the disc on the stereo and pushed it in. She walked to her left while taking out her pistol and throwing her glasses on the bed, she slowly sat down and started drinking Hennessey. She started pointing the pistol around, she then laid on the couch, she exhaled and did a frown, she covered her face and only dropped one tear.

She got up and drank down the Hennessey, she started shaking and pointing the gun again, she turned around, walking around. She drank again,

She started to inhaled heavily, soon she pointed the gun to her head, she slowly tried to pull the trigger but she realized what she was about to do.

She exhaled heavily and placed the gun on her wardrobe. She looked down at her shaking hands.

She walked out the room and soon saw Ignis and Elle, but this time Ignis looked somehow happy, Elle smiling at him, and Ignis was slightly smiling too.

(Name) frowned at what she was witnessing. She turned and walked back to her room.

She grabbed her phone and called someone.

“Uh, Hello?” said the male voice. (Name) inhaled and sighed, “Ernie?” she asked. The male cleared his throat, “Yes?” he asked.

(Name) walked around in circles, “I need your help.” she stated, “I need Ble-Vapor.” she added.

The male sighed from the other line, “(Name), Master Jen-Es promised on God and the soldier's blood that he wouldn't make another sword.” said Ernie.

“Please, I just saw... the future.” she started, “It's necessary.” she added.

“What did Beatrix and Téo said about looking forward?” asked Ernie. (Name) bit her lip, “I know, but please do me the favor?” she asked.

Soon the door slowly opened, relieving Ignis, blood covered his arm. Then Elle came in the room with her gun, she then aimed at (Name) and pulled the trigger.

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