1st ∘ VS

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[ A/N There has been a new entertainment added to "Final Fantasy Fanfiction". VS is a comedy comparing Final Fantasy characters to some similar look alikes or similar to their personality. Some from real life. ]

[ #2: I hope you guys enjoyed and have good laughter. ]

Today's Entertainment: Reno VS. Axl Rose

Warning: Strong Language, Offensive Content.

The most dangerous man, Axl Rose has entered the bathroom.

Moans were coming out the last stall followed by farts. Axl raised his eyebrow and shook his head continuing with his business.

"Hey" said Reno. Axl stood quietly.

"Hey." Silence stood again, Axl was so close to leaving until..

"Yo, is there any toilet paper in the other stalls?" he asked. Axl rolled his eyes annoyed already.

Axl boringly walked to the first stall and kicks it harshly.

Farts were being heard from the last stall. "Hey, could you at least open it more softly. You scared the shit outta me." Reno said.

Axl scoffed. "I could tell."

"Hey! That's not funny! Yuffie made me eat tacos and the cheese was weeks old." Reno said and his stomach was growling.

Axl gathered some toilet paper and walked towards a last stall and give him the paper from the bottom of the stall. "Thanks, yo." said Reno.

Soon Axl felt something funny on his hand, he looked at his hand and saw a dark substance in his hand. Axl quickly exclaimed and disguise. "What the hell, man?!" he yelled.

Reno was laughing in the other stall. "I'm sorry, I'm just having some technical difficulties." he bursted out.

"Dude, chill it's just Nutella." Reno added.

Axl walked to the sink and started to wash his hands and mumbled "Very mature."

Reno started to sing. "Come out, come out Mr. Doodie, if you don't the evil monsters are gonna make you scared, if you do come out.. You will swim with my brownies."

Axl cringed at the whole scenario. Soon the toilet flushed, the bathroom stall unlocked and soon it revealed Reno in his messy tux.

Of course, Axl looked better.

Reno looked at Axl and smiled. "Sup yo?"

"Are you one of my bodyguard?" Axl asked. Reno started laughing.

"Fuck. No." Reno exclaimed in frustration. Axl shrugged and started to dry his hands and walk to the bathroom door, throwing the peace sign and walking off.

Reno looked at himself in the mirror and stared at his "Handsome" features, until his stomach started to growl. Immediately he ran towards the last stall.

Soon Reno took the browns to the superbowl. "Oh, No.." Reno realised there wasn't no toilet paper in the last stall.

"This is bullshit." Reno stated, and farts started to be heard.

Reno started to whine like a little kid, until someone entered the bathroom.

"Hey.." Reno said. Silence stood towards the bathroom.

"Dude, is there any toilet paper?" Reno asked.

Reno started to hear foot steps.

"Are you autistic?" Axl's deep voice questioned.

Reno scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Of course, I'm not artistic."

Axl took his bucket of full honey and threw it across towards Reno, soon he threw feathers.

Reno started to let out lots of farts and screams. "Yo! What the hell?!"

Axl smirked and said "Now you won't stink when you get out." he started to laugh. "Enjoy your boom boom." he added and walk out.

Reno exhaled loudly. "Smooth.. Real smooth." he stated.

[ A/N: I would really appreciate it if you vote and comment, and also share with others. ]

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