XV • Prompto

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“Clumsy” - Requested

Warning: None


“There's something weird going on with Prompto, he's been clumsy. ” Gladiolus said eating his breakfast. Ignis looked over at Noctis fixing his glasses. Prompto just threw a grape at Gladiolus, “I'm not acting weird.” Prompto protested.

“Anyways, my sister's coming.” Ignis said. Prompto clumsily dropped his fork and tried to pick it up by placing his hand on the edge of the plate, and when he put pressure on the plate food soon covered him. Prompto quickly got up but tripped by his bad standing.

Gladiolus and Noctis started to laugh quietly. The maid tried to help him but he lift his hand up in refuse.

“Don't, I have arms and legs for a reason. ” Prompto said, Gladiolus smiled, “Which you  aren't using.” Noctis sighed and looked at Ignis, “The one that came last month. ” Noctis asked.

Ignis nodded, Prompto blushed and soon walked out the diner room, Gladiolus leaned against the table with a smirk, “Do you think he's acting like this because of Cindy?” He asked. Noctis shook his head in disagreement, “I think it's (Name).” Noctis stated. Ignis sighed and fixed his glasses, “Sadly, Yes, he can't stop this immaturity.” Ignis stated. Gladiolus raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

Ignis sighed once again, “One day, Prompto wrote a letter for (Name), and also had pictures of her in his camera.” Ignis admitted. Gladiolus' eyes widened in more curiosity.

“What'd you do with the letter?” Noctis asked. Ignis smiled and looked out the window, “I burned it.” Gladiolus did a face palm, while Noctis folded his arms.

Ignis then got up and walked back to his room. Noctis glared at the window, “What an idiot.” he said. Gladiolus nodded while drinking his coffee.


Ignis ran into all the guys room fixing his tie. Prompto was trying the impossible to put on his socks. Noctis only had to put on his short sleeve jacket. Gladiolus was just slipping on his boots. Ignis groaned in annoyance, “Hurry up Prompto.” said Noctis.

Prompto only had to tie his boots. As soon as he finished he walked out his room all dressed up, Gladiolus smirked, “You know we're not going to see --”

“(Name)?” Prompto interrupted Gladiolus immediately. Noctis nudged Gladiolus as in ‘I told you.’ and the boys made a bet on who Prompto has a crush on, obviously Noctis won. Gladiolus just rolled his eyes and decided to wait in the car.

“Yes, we are going to see her, Prompto… calm down.” Ignis said finishing his tie. All of the guys soon went into the car, with Ignis driving.

Throughout the whole driving, Prompto could not stop shaking his knee and could not stop blushing. Gladiolus kept shoving him aside.


All of the guys were waiting in the train station. The (H/C) haired girl soon came to view, Prompto blushed immediately. Ignis stood up smiling at her sister. (Name) ran towards Ignis hugging him, Prompto nervously stood up, ”Hey.” said Prompto blushing.

(Name) glanced at Prompto and her eyes soon sparkle, “Hey, tweety bird.” she smiled and soon hugged Prompto, she inhaled quietly, “You smell nice.” whispered (Name). Prompto laughed nervously.

Gladiolus walked behind Prompto and soon grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him back roughly. (Name) almost tripped but soon catch her balance. Noctis checked the time, “We should get going.” Noctis said.

Ignis nodded and so did (Name).


(Name) was in the library looking around for a book. Prompto quietly walked behind her, “Boo!” he exclaimed. (Name) jumped and dropped the 6 books she gathered. Prompto mentally did a face palm, “I'm sorry, (Name)… I didn't know you had those books in hand.” Prompto said as he helped (Name) pick up the books.

(Name)'s eyes looked into Prompto's, “It's okay.” said (Name) as she giggled. Prompto smiled and put the books on a table. Prompto sighed and looked at (Name), “Um, Noctis wants you to, um… no, Noctis wanted to see you work.” he said nervously, (Name)'s eyes widened. Prompto chuckled nervously then shook his head, he leaned against the stack of books which collapsed to the side.

Prompto stood up straight, (Name) giggled and put the books in the shelf, “I know, Noctis wants me to help him and Lunafreya.” she corrected him. Prompto nodded quickly.

“Okay, I'll be there soon.” (Name) said smiling at Prompto. He blushed and slowly left.


It's was soon to be midnight. The crickets where heard from the opened balcony, (Name) tossed and turned uncomfortably, she decided to go to the kitchen. She sat up and walked out the room, the hallway light was always on.

The (E/C) eyed girl walked out the room and went to the kitchen quietly, thinking she was the only one up. She got bowl of cereal and sat on the island table.

Prompto quietly walked to the kitchen and turned on the lights and opened the refrigerator, (Name) turned and saw Prompto.

Prompto soon looked at the island table, “Ahh!” Prompto exclaimed and fell in the refrigerator lightly. (Name) smiled. Prompto sighed, “So, you're the milk thief.” Prompto stated.

(Name) shrugged, “Sorry.” she said. He grabbed a bowl as well and sat next to (Name).

“So…” Prompto started, (Name) looked at Prompto, “How was it without me?” she asked.

“Well, nothing much changed, I've been thinking about yo -- I mean someone.” he said,

(Name) smirked, “You're lying.” she said.

“How?” he asked.

“Your eyes widened a little when you lie” she said. Prompto sighed in defeat.

(Name) smiled, “I always loved that about you.” she said. Prompto looked at (Name), “What?” he asked.

“You always act innocent, I think it's cute. You weren't like those jerks, you're sweet and caring, that's why I had a crush on you when we were in high school.” (Name) admitted.

Prompto dropped his spoon clumsily, “I had a crush on you too.” he admitted also. (Name) laughed softly, “Isn't that funny?” she joked.

Prompto smiled and leaned in, and so did (Name). Once both of them pulled away, Prompto dropped his cereal, (Name) laughed as she got up and cleaned the table with the cloth on the kitchen sink.

”Sorry, I'm going to bed.” Prompto said. (Name) soon finished and walked towards Prompto and hugged him.

Prompto hugged back and kissed her forehead, “Goodnight, Prompto.” (Name) whispered. Prompto smiled, “Goodnight."

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