VII • Yuffie 1/2

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"Testing 1,2,3" (Female Reader) Part 1

Warning: Strong Language, Rude Humor, also adding made up character :)


[Y/N] - Your Name 

[E/C] - Eye Color


"Ouch! You a*shole!" exclaimed Yuffie as she fell to the cold floor and stare back at Reno. Suddenly doors open followed by footsteps "Hello everyone.. oh Yuffie, are you okay?" the mysterious woman asked, Reno soon glanced at her and smiled "Oh hey Kitai." he soon walked to her and playfully punched her arm. Kitai giggled and said "I have a new friend in the building actually, her name is [Y/N]. She's really skilled" as Kitai shifted from foot to foot.

Yuffie stood up quickly, "A girl?" she asked as she stared at Kitai and walked to her. "Where is she now?" Yuffie asked. Kitai grinned and said "I said she's in the building Yuffie"

"Oh right!!" said Yuffie as she snapped her fingers, "Well, I'll go look for her" Yuffie soon grabbed her weapon and ran out.

Kitai glanced at Reno and said "She's really pretty by the way dingus" Reno's eyes widened and said "Oh really?" Kitai nodded and laughed and pulled out her dagger "But I want a fight first."

Reno chuckled and said "Careful, don't hurt yourself." Kitai huffed and walked away.


Y/N sighed as she looked outside the window and looked at the sun as the room was silent.


[Y/N] gasped in shock as she turned around and saw Yuffie. "Who are you?" [Y/N] asked as she stared at Yuffie with wide eyes. Yuffie laughed and said "Calm down, my name is Yuffie. You must be [Y/N]?" 

[Y/N] sigh in relief and said "Yes, My name is [Y/N].. Kitai told you, didn't she?" asked [Y/N] as she stared back at Yuffie. She laughed and said "Of course she has, Kitai is the most open person ever, she was just letting us know.. I think you'd prefer that than us fighting you with knowing who you are in the place" said Yuffie as she stood up still and put away her weapon. [Y/N] turned red as Yuffie spoke. 

"Yuffie! Leave her alone. She's shy." Kitai yelled as she walked to Yuffie and [Y/N] from a distance. Soon [Y/N] laughed and said "Shy?" Reno stared at [Y/N] and smiled softly. 

"Wow, Kitai.. she is really pretty. Hey babe--" 

Kitai pushed Reno and said "Hey! I thought you liked me a*shole" Reno grunt and furiously stared back at Kitai. 

[Y/N]'s eyes widened as the brown haired girl pushed Reno. "Why would anyone like you?! You look like a raccoon.. look at your eyes man!" Reno said. KItai gasped and grabbed Reno by the collar and said "You look worse!" 

Reno stared back and giggled and said "Let's go, I think your parents are getting worried" as he chuckled. 

"Um, guys just go to Seventh Heaven. We'll meet you there." said Yuffie as she walked and stood next to [Y/N]. 

Kitai shoved Reno aside and stared at Yuffie "Fine, if he makes it alive." said Kitai as she walked away. Reno looks at Kitai and gasps and yells "Hey what the h*ll is that supposed to mean Pontius!?" as he walked right after KItai. 

Yuffie sighed and said "Sorry about them, trust me Kitai is not really mad or that aggressive, and Reno likes triggering Kitai since she isn't afraid to say what is in her mind." Yuffie smiled and stared into [Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes. 

"So, They like each other?" asked [Y/N] as she looked back at Yuffie. 

Yuffie laughed and said "Enough about them [Y/N], they aren't looking for any relationship at all.".

[Y/N] laughs and soon begins to walk and say "It's really hard trying to fit here, I feel so new and you and everybody here has known each other for such a long time.. I hope my skills come in handy, Yuffie".

"What? [Y/N] you don't have to pretend to be someone else to fit in, we all accept anyone here really, don't worry. Reno, Kitai, and I really didn't see anything wrong with you being here." Yuffie said as she walked with [Y/N]. 


Many weeks has past and, I don't know why but I have been feeling really nervous and so clumsy lately, I helped everyone Yuffie introduced me to, and I they were all nice to me, but someone who was really awkward was.. Vincent, he would just barely say anything to me and that made me feel so small and intimidated by his silence. 

I have been developing feelings for Yuffie and I don't know how to tell her, I don't know if she will the same way I do. She'd really make me nervous around her and she is so nice and confident it's hard to know who she likes. 

"Yo! [Y/N]! We gotta go, there's a fight and they need our help." said Reno as he snaps his fingers and looks at me with such pleading eyes, I guess this is bad then. 

I get up from the floor and suddenly see Kitai run across the door yelling "Who's a*s we gonna kick?!" seeing her pull out her dagger. Yuffie then enters the room with Reno and say "Hey, we really need your help." Reno then furrows his eyebrows as looks at Yuffie and walks away. 

I cleared my throat as I get up and say "Yep, got it." as I smile and walk out the door. 

Yuffie nods and say "Just know, if anything bad happens- I wanna say that I like you." 

I stopped in my tracks and looked at her 


To Be Continued... 

Hello Reader, sorry this is so short, this is why there is two parts to this story. :) I will released part two soon!

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