VII • Cloud

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"To D.R.E.A.M."

Warning: None


"Yeah? Well I don't want your stupid job anyway!" You yelled at your manager, ripping off your name badge and tossing it onto the floor. You could feel the eyes of everyone in the store on you as you stormed out.

You were halfway home when the tears finally started. You were sick of this. Since completing an arts degree at college you'd drifted from job to job, being treated like dirt again and again. Even if you did need the money, you couldn't stay there any longer.

As you approached your tiny apartment you saw that the lights were on inside. Shit. Your boyfriend must have come over to meet you after work. You regretted giving him a key as you cautiously approached the front door, adjusting your jacket to hide the hole in your work shirt where you'd ripped your badge off.

Taking a deep breath you slotted your key in and opened the door. You could hear the sound of the pan frying and your boyfriend's low humming coming from the kitchen as you quietly kicked off your shoes.

"Babe is that you?" Cloud's voice grew louder as he made his way towards you. You tried desperately to school your expression into one of calm as you hung up your coat.

You felt his presence directly behind you, he was sneaking up on you like always. His arms snaking around you waist as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.

"How was work darling?" There was a softness in his voice that set you off immediately. You'd never felt so selfish in your life for leaving this job.

"Fine." Your voice broke as you spoke and before you knew it you were sobbing.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Cloud turned you around gently, leaning down to look at you as you stared at the floor allowing hot tears to spill over you cheeks.

"I'm such a failure." You muttered, the frustration evident in your voice.

"(Name) you are not a failure." Cloud's tone mirrored your own but he took your hand gently and led you over towards the sofa.

"Yes I am I can't even hold down these shitty retail jobs." You rubbed your eyes roughly not even caring about the makeup you were no doubt smearing all over yourself.

Cloud gave a small nod as he pieced the information together, his palm placed flat against your back as he comforted you whilst you tried to catch your breath.

"Look I know you're upset right now but I think this is for the best. I've been trying to convince you to leave forever." He soothed.

"But I need the money Cloud, I can't be dependant on you. I just can't." You sniffed as you played with the loose threads of your ruined work top.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't so stubborn so I could look after you." Cloud teased, his hand on your back moving up to brush the hair out of your face.

"I want to be your equal."

"You ARE my equal. And you always supported me, so let me do the same for you."

You looked up into your boyfriends deep blue grey eyes, ignoring the fact you looked like a complete mess.

"Then live with me here. Please."

"I thought you'd never ask." Cloud kissed you tenderly, his thumb pressed softly into your cheek. After you'd parted you felt breathless and exhausted from your outburst.

"I'm glad I have you." You mumbled, squeezing his hand that was resting on your thigh.

"Stay right here I've made you some dinner." Cloud planted a kiss on your forehead before making his way back into the kitchen.

You were half asleep by the time he returned and set a huge bowl of stew in front of you. The two of you ate quietly together - you savoured the comfortable silence as it was the first time you weren't being yelled at or crying all day.

"Do you want a bath?" Cloud asked afterwards, stroking your hair as you rested your head against his chest.

"Nah lets just go to bed." You yawned and allowed him to lead you upstairs. He held you tight as you began to drift toward sleep, humming the same tune he had when you entered the house.

"You are so brilliant." He murmured against your hair before falling asleep. You didn't reply but you still felt warmth blooming in your chest as you slept next to your love.

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