VII • Cloud

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"C'est La Vie"

(F/N) would always walk to fields watching the sunset, and talk to the dead. She was wandering around Midgar looking curious as always. (F/N) can't stop thinking about Cloud. Yes, She had feelings towards the cold and heartless Cloud Strife but that's what other people say. But actually Cloud was caring even though he couldn't show it. (F/N) always thought that he loved Tifa, they've been friends since little toddlers... probably. Instead of acting and showing jealous and hurt on her beautiful features...(F/N) would always remain with a calm expression. (F/N) was part of a society named TORN. TORN was one of the ruthless groups and no one really notice (F/N) because of her dressing, she wore black oversized harems, a leather crop top, and combat boots, her weapon were hookswords. The hookswords were a really dangerous weapon. One of her friends came with her to Midgar, Jupiter. Jupiter is in high class just like (F/N), both decided to check out the city. Both of them were from Haven. Soon (F/N) would leave Midgar or die in Midgar.

"A book store sounds good." (F/N) said to herself. Looking at the book store. Soon she rented a book "The Art of War".


"Cloud, you should know by now...(F/N) isn't going stay much longer, I specifically told you not to fall in love with her, the curious little girl." Jupiter explained to the cold stone statue.

"I don't care..." said Cloud "I - love her" Jupiter sighed, Jupiter always explained to Cloud that he shouldn't fall in love with (F/N), But that must've failed.

"Well, I've warned you, you're going to cause a lot of harm."

"What do you mean by harm?"

"Tifa loves you, (F/N) loves you too, choose of them will get hurt."

"I -"

"You don't have to say anything, I know. Me and (F/N) have to go back to Haven. And I don't know if she will stay longer, her father needs her attendance in TORN, no one is really good as her. She's the power, and we'll... I'm the brains." Jupiter chuckled at his own words. Cloud got up and walked away.


"(F/N), are you actually leaving?" Tifa asked. (F/N) kept reading her book.

"hmm, probably." she kept reading "father called he's okay if I stay here and visit Haven." (F/N) explained.

"Well, that's good"

Marlene and Denzel gasped looking at (F/N) happily.

"Really, (F/N)? You're staying with us?" Denzel asked.

"Yes, I am. Proving my love for you, Denzel" Cloud walked in.

"Hey Cloud." Tifa greeted, a strike of jealousy entered (F/N) but she kept reading.

"Sorry that it took me so long" he responded, 'Why the hell is he apologizing?' (F/N) got up slowly.

"Where are you going?" (F/N) just walked away, not even bothering to look back.

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