XII • Balthier

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You'd been at this party for an hour now and you'd hardly spoken to anyone. Your friends were here, but Larsa and Ashe had invited a lot of people you didn't know. For the most part, everyone was talking to them, but Balthier was by the stairs with Penelo.

You could admit that you have a thing for Balthier, but whenever you try to confess to him it all goes wrong. Whether it's an interruption or you just can't seem to find your words, something would always stop you. Sometimes you wondered if the universe was trying to stop you.

You stood by the wall, drinking the vodka and soda mix Ashe had poured you earlier. Normally you weren't one for drinking heavy, but you couldn't stand to see Penelo with Balthier. You'd thought about leaving but you knew someone would notice and ask you later. Now, you just stood by the wall, watching Balthier and Penelo laugh and smile. You realised that you'd gotten lost in your thoughts when someone behind you spoke.

"What's cookin', good lookin'?" Vaan his fingers brushing your waist as he walks up beside you and turns to face you.

You giggle.

Vaan shrugs and takes a drink from his bottle. "I thought it was classic. What're you doing all alone?"

"I don't know." Now it was your turn to shrug.

"You're telling me that no one is hitting on you, with you dressed like that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He raises his hands in defense. "Nothing bad. You look fucking sexy." He slurs as looks you over.

You blush slightly. "Thanks Vaan." You glance over to Balthier and notice that he's really close to Penelo. You watch as she giggles and pushes his shoulder. "You know, Vaan, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were seriously hitting on me."

"Would you be okay with that?" Vaan asks, leaning close enough for you to smell the beer on his breath.

You didn't reply, you just leaned forward, meeting his lips and kissing him with all the emotions in your heart pouring out. Maybe it was because you'd almost finished that cup of alcohol you'd gotten at the start of the party, maybe it was because your heart was breaking from watching Balthier with Penelo. Maybe you wanted Balthier to see or maybe you wanted to forget Balthier by using Vaan. But whatever the reason, you found yourself not caring as Vaan's arms wrapped around you.

"So, why are you over here and not with (Name)?" Penelo asks Balthier as takes a long drink from whatever is in his cup. Penelo scrunches her nose, knowing his drink is much stronger than hers.

"Because, I don't know what to say." Balthier admits.

Penelo giggles. "You? You always tell Basch to talk to Fran. Why can't you take your own advice?"

"I've tried. If I flirt with her, she just thinks I'm being friendly."

"Maybe cause you flirt with everyone?" Penelo notes, sipping her own drink.

Balthier sighs. "Yeah. Tell me, how could I make my move?"

Penelo smiles. "Practice makes perfect."

"What does that mean?"

"Pretend I'm (Name). I'll tell you what you're doing wrong." Penelo offers.

"Uh, okay. So, uh, (Name). You look different. I never noticed but you could be Penelo's twin. It's kinda weird. Actually, maybe I don't like you all that much."

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