The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know

Start from the beginning

Sokka still sat beside Zuko trying to cheer him up with one of his meat jokes, "and then the pork chop said you ha- ha, woah...." Sokka's eyes lingered behind Zuko at the sight before him, "What did he say?" Aang asked but also fell silent when he looked behind himself, "Wow..." Toph elbowed Zuko into his ribs before grabbing his chin and pulling his gaze towards who everyone was staring at. Lillian stood with her head held high and her eyes searching the crowd, once they met Zuko's she smiled and then blushed slightly causing the prince to blush himself. Lillian wore all shades of red and gold with a beautiful blue stone tiara above her head. The men bowed as the ladies courtesy and the children ran around giggling. Sokka leaned over to Zuko, "I think this is the part where you stand up and walk to her?" Sokka said sarcastically gaining a punch in the shoulder from Toph who huffed and blew her hair out the way. Lillian pulled someone beside her, Crest. Zuko's eyes narrowed as he watched Lillian whisper in his ear. Crest looked over to Toph and then straightened his body blushing marching off into the other direction. Lillian giggled along with Ling and Lu who gathered around Lillian like a bunch of school girls.

The music started up again and everyone started to dance in a waltz movement but slightly faster. Couples twirled around the floor that reflected the flames from the candles and torches along with the full moon. Crest stood stiff as the girls giggled and gossiped beside him, "what's his problem?" Toph asked Aang gesturing to Crest. Suki wiggled her eyebrows at Sokka, "He seemed to be embarrassed to come here because your Beauty intimidates him" Suki teased at Toph. Aang covered his mouth as he tried not to laugh, "If he wants a dance, then maybe he should just ask." Toph shrugged before walking up to Crest and grabbing him by his sleeve and pulling him to the dance floor. Lillian burst into laughter at the slight on Crest's red face, "That's how it's done!" Lu cheered on. Lillian stood before Zuko and smiled, "Want to show what 3 years of Dance lessons look like?" Lillian teased. Zuko smirked, "As Long as you promise not to step on my toes." Zuko grinned at Lillian's reaction, "Excuse me?? You stepped on my Toes!!!" 

(Just an idea of Lillian and Zuko Dancing)

Lillian and Zuko fell into the sync with the other dancers. Swift and graceful did their feet glide along the floor. The gang stepped aside and watched as their two friends took over the dance floor. As they fell in step by step they picked up their pace and evolved from a waltz into a spicy tango. Zuko's golden eyes were lost deeply in Lillian's crimson eyes. Lillian felt Zuko's grip tighten around her waist as he pulled her closer. With each step they took together their bodies never pulled apart. No one else was in the room but them. Zuko smiled when He lifted Lillian up and spun her around back to the floor. Lillian smiled up at Zuko, "This is the first time we got the steps right." Lillian whispered. Zuko leaned towards her ear, "Before I was to nervous to look into your eyes... Now they're all I want to look at." Zuko whispered planting a soft kiss below Lillian's ear causing her to shiver. When Zuko lifted his head Lillian placed her hand behind his head and pulled him close placing a deep kiss on his lips, "This moment, right here... I never want it to end." Lillian smiled placing her head on Zuko's chest and dancing further into the night.

Scarlet stood with her arms crossed as she watched the young Tenshi and bender's enjoy their evening. Mac came and stood beside Scarlet, "How can she love someone with so many imperfections, I mean his scar is one of the obvious signs that he is not meant for her!" Mac stated crossing his arms over his chest and huffing. Scarlet smiled, "Love is not defined by the surface, for even blind men fall in love." Scarlet smiled. Mac raised his brow, "Nice  quote, The dragon of the west?" Mac asked but Scarlet shook her head, "Nope, L de Swart, some quote of Poet's of Ling's..." Scarlet shrugged. Mac nodded before turning to leave the party.

The evening went on until the last owl-cat went to perch and The gang retired to their rooms, all except our Prince and Princess who stood on the pearl balcony watching the night sky, "Tonight was amazing,  I wish it could always be like this." Lillian sighed as she nuzzled against Zuko's neck. Zuko placed a long kiss on Lillian's head, "Soon Lilly, I promise you."


YES!!! I KNOW!!! BEEN FOREVER!!!! *hides*

Well there you go, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

I'll be getting a lot of free time soon so I'll be able to update for often.

Below are the pics of our characters clothing. I made it on azela dolls, yes... it's jasmine.... shhhhh



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