Chapter 31 - One Question Answered

Start from the beginning

After we watched "Asylum" there was a long discussion about how the show depicts conversations between them. They said Sam never shot Dean with the rock salt rifle, and that he didn't get possessed and say mean things to Dean. In fact, most of the conversations shown in the show were written in. Most of the show was much more dramatic than what actually happened.

The boys said that it was as if the writers wrote in conversations between them for story appeal, as though they really didn't know what they actually said to each other. In a very general sense, the stories were true, the events did happen. But not much like the episodes showed them.

They admitted, however, that they could see the appeal of the show and why it had fans. It was well done. It did feel odd to them still to see themselves in it but they were getting used to that. And they wanted to keep going.

Maggie and I said we wanted to go to our world for the evening. It was the night of the season finale and we wanted to see it. Also, it was time to spend a little time with our parents. The boys said that was fine, they would do their workouts which they had been neglecting, and clean their weapons. They promised not to watch episodes without us.

Later that evening…

Sam's POV

We had cleaned the guns and were in the gym working out when Cas showed up. "Hello Dean. Hello Sam."

"Cas," said Dean, "I hope you're here to answer my question."

"What question?" I asked.

"The question of whether he could send us to another world like Balthazar had."

"No Dean. I don't have the answer to that question. I do, however, have a confession to make."

"You did it didn't you?" Dean accused. "You sent the girls to us?"

"Dean!' I admonished.

"It's okay, Sam, look at him. I'm not telling him anything he doesn't know already!"

"He's right Sam. I didn't do it personally, I don't have the power for that at the moment. But I did have something to do with it."

"What exactly did you do?" I asked.

"I went to the archangel Camael for help. He's the angel in charge of love and finding soul mates. He's in charge of the seraphim you call cupids. I asked him to find your soul mates."

Dean looked pissed. "Why on earth would you do that?" he said. He sounded pissed too.

"Because, Dean, I care about you. Both of you. I wanted you to be happy. I wanted you to find love."

"And you didn't think we could find it ourselves?"

"Apparently you can't. Camael's angels had to comb through hundreds of worlds to find them, after it was discovered there were none on this world that even came close. It was only fortunate they were sisters."

That brought us both up short.

"Hundreds of worlds?" Dean asked. "Really?"

"Yes, Dean, really. They spent many months, and a lot of Angel power doing it, so you might at least be a little grateful."

"Actually, we are Cas," I assured him. "It's just a little unsettling that once again a decision was made for us without our knowledge." I looked over at Dean as I said, "But we love the girls, and are grateful you brought them to us."

Dean sighed and said, "I need a drink. Let's go upstairs."

We went up to the study and I poured us all a drink. We took seats and continued our talk.

Dean was settled down a bit then and asked Cas, "So why are you telling us now. You aren't taking them back are you?"

"No of course not," he said. "But we might have made a mistake in doing it in the first place."

"What?" yelled Dean.

"Dean please, calm down," said Cas. "No one realized how the world the girls were found on was so different from our own until after they were brought here. The difference intrigued us so Camael made some inquiries. He now believes that the two worlds couldn't exist the way they do without some sort of deliberate interference."

"Yeah," I said, "We've pretty much reached that same conclusion ourselves."

"Well the thing is," said Cas, "whoever did it has to have been doing it a long time. Whatever plans they have for you might not have included the girls, and they might not like it that we have interfered with whatever they had in mind."

Once again, Dean erupted. "I am so sick and tired of some higher entity pulling our strings. So once again, we don't have free will? Once again we are being puppets for some asshole god or something?"

"Wait, Dean, listen," I said. "I'm with you on that. But think about this. Cas may just have done us a favor by bringing us the girls, over and above the girls themselves."

"And what might that be?" Dean asked sarcastically.

"If he hadn't brought us the girls, we would never have known about this other world, and we wouldn't know now that someone is doing this to us. We would just go on being his, her or its puppets. At least now we know, and we have a chance to figure out who or what's doing it and take back control of our lives. Again!"

Dean thought about that for a minute.

"You're right. Cas you did us a favor. But how do we go about finding the answer?"

Just then the girls burst in, crying. We stood up and they came into our arms."

"What's wrong?" we were both asking them.

"The season finale," they said, crying.

"We can't remember what happened," Katie said, "but we were crying when we left, so it had to be horrible."

Just then Maggie said, "Cas?" and Katie looked up. They both tried hard to calm down some and we introduced Cas. Then they got excited. Cas said he was happy to meet them both, and he did sound genuinely happy about it. The girls were thrilled.

"But are we interrupting anything?" asked Maggie.

"No," Dean said, a bit sarcastically. "Cas was just telling us how it was he who is responsible for bringing you here."

"Really, wow thank you Cas," Maggie said.

"Yes, thank you," said Katie as well. "But are you also responsible for creating another world where Sam and Dean are fictional?" she asked.

"No," answered Cas. "I'm afraid I can't take credit for that."

Katie looked thoughtful for a moment. "Then we might all be in big trouble," she said.

"Yeah," said Dean, still holding onto Maggie. "That seems to be the general consensus. And what the hell else is new?"

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