"I really think you should re consider going to this dance son, you might enjoy it" My dad suggested, handing me a plate of pancakes.
"Yeah no, its not really my scene" I said, there's no way I would ever go when I could be at home watching movies anyway. Mum and Dad would be visiting my Aunt tonight and all day Saturday so it would be nice to have the house to myself for once.
My parents just sighed and went go get ready, they were used to this anyway.
I got quickly got up and grabbed my bag when I looked at the time and rushed out the door, trying to get there on time.

I finally got to the front door and was greeted by the spawn of satan laughing at me as I caught my breath.

"You realise it wouldn't have mattered if you were late? It's not an actual school day sweetie" Minho said, watching me suffer.
"WELL sorry for not wanting to keep you waiting jeez" I said, standing next to him as he held the key in his hands.
"Um where are the decorations?" I asked, looking around him and over at his car.
"Dad and I put them in the gym last night so I didn't have to carry them all here this morning."
I nodded and watched as he opened the door, looking around with excitement in his eyes.

"We could do anything Channie, literally anything you do realise that" He said, turning to me. I only know realised that he was wearing a beanie, which showed the piercings going up his ears that I'd never noticed before.
We made our way too the gym, Minho commented on all the things we could do as we walked past all the classrooms.

We got to the gym and saw the bags and boxes everywhere. On a desk in the corner there was sticky tape, glue, pens, and next to that was a ladder.
I sighed and collapsed onto a gym mat, not wanting to do all this work. Minho chuckled and sat next to me, pushing my waist.
"Come one we may as well get it over and done with, then we can raid the vending machines." He said, catching my attention.
We got up and started with streamers and banners. I had done the first corner and all Minho had done was hand me stuff.
"Okay your turn turn" I told him as I moved the ladder over to the next corner.
"Uh no, no way" I said, stepping away.
"And why the hell not" We needed to get this done quickly but also fairly.
He stayed silent and looked around the room.
"Oh my god are you really scared to go on a ladder?" I laughed.
"No .. idiot" He mumbled.
"Wait, are you scared of heights?"
He nodded and fiddled with his long sleeves.
"Alright then, you can set up some tables and chairs, I'll do these" I sighed, thinking about all the things I had to put up, including a disco ball.
He smiled and thanked me, running off to the storage room to get fold out tables that I'm sure he would struggle to carry.

After at least two hours we had finally set up everything, and it surprisingly looked really good, we had Mr Lee to thank for the money we used to buy everything.
"Good job Channie!" Minho said happily, putting his arm around me and looking at everything we had done.
I smiled and actually felt proud of myself.

We did end up raiding the vending machines and sitting on the desks in one of the english classrooms, eating.
"So what are you wearing tonight?" Minho asked as he tried picking the lock on the teachers desk.
"I'm not going" I laughed.
Minho looked up and almost looked sad??
"Oh, why not?"
"I never go to these things they're too stressful, it's hard to explain, I'd just rather not" I said, finishing my bag of honey chips.
"Okay then, what do you plan to do instead?"
"Stay home and binge watch crappy Netflix series"
Minho laughed at this and started spinning around in the teachers chair.
"Would you like some company?" He asked, throwing a piece of paper at me.
"I thought you'd like going to these things?"
"Not really, I only had one reason to go but apparently my reason won't even be there" He dramatically sighed, openly flirting with me like he does with everyone.
"Hmmm what's that supposed to mean?" I smirked.
"It means that I wanted to spend time with you because I'm trying to be your friend but since you aren't going there's no point in me going either." He said, getting off the chair and sitting on the desk next to me.

"So am I invited or not?" He grinned.
"Well I've never had company before.." why was I actually thinking of this. These times were supposed to spent alone, and I don't think I could up with Minho for a whole night.
"Pleeeaaassee" He said, pouting at me and trying to make himself look cute.
I sighed and hopped off the desk.
"Alright then."

He squealed and got off the desk, hugging me from behind.
"Thank you so much Channie" He said, sounding happier than someone should be to be spending time with a friend.
What if he doesn't want to be at home? What if he needed an excuse to get out of the house?
I tried not to worry but something seemed weird.

As we walked around the school exploring things I decided to ask Minho something.
"Why won't you tell me why you were away?" I asked, walking next to him.
He took the lollipop out of his mouth and sighed.
"Because it's not something I want to go around telling people" He said, looking down at the ground.
"Can you at least answer one question for me, you're okay right?"
He looked at me and nodded. "I promise you I'm okay, I will tell you eventually just not right now" He gave me a small smile and continued skipping ahead.
It wasn't much of answer, but if he insisted that he was okay then I believed him. He may have been a bad person, but I got the feeling he wouldn't lie to me.

We spent the rest of our time there doing stupid stuff like playing hide and seek, going through the teachers stuff and finding some stuff he wish we didn't, and stealing food from the kitchens fridge.
It was surprisingly fun, and maybe I was starting to see Minho in a different light. Maybe the person everyone thought he was, was just an act. Because what I hoped was the real him was fun and sweet, not mean and horrible. I wanted to convince myself that there was a reason behind the things he did, that he had never really been a bad person.
I wanted to forgive him, I really did, but I needed to know that he won't go back to hurting people.

We sat in his car as he drove to my house to drop me off then go back to his house and get his things.
"Okay so like you keep saying, you'd do anything to get me to forgive you right?"
He turned to me and nodded.
"You gotta promise me that you won't go hurting anyone again, no dating someone for two days and immediately breaking their hearts, if you stop then you've earned my trust" I told him.
"Of course, I stopped as soon as you started being nice to me, which was what, like a week ago?" He laughed, turning into my street.
I smiled and nodded.
"One more thing, apologize to Jisung" I told him. Jisung had been one of the many people he hurt, if he got Jisung to forgive him, then I would definitely trust him.
"Anything for you" he said.

We pulled up out the front of my house and I got out, waving goodbye (even though he would be back in about ten minutes).
"Get prepared for the best sleepover in history and Channie!" He called out then drove away.
I sighed and opened my front door. Never would I have thought that I would actually be having a damn sleepover with Lee Minho but hey there's a first everything.


Minho quickly packed some stuff into a small bag and walked downstairs.
"Are you not going to the dance?" His dad asked, in the middle of fixing his tie.
"Nope I'm going to Chan's house instead" He said, grabbing food out of the cupboard.
"You're quite fond of him aren't you" his dad laughed, ruffling his hair.
"It-its not like that dad" Minho said, his cheeks and ears burning red.
"Alright alright, just make sure you're back by 6pm tomorrow so we can go visit mum" Mr Lee said, grabbing his keys and walking out.
Minho got his own keys and went out to his own car.
Whilst Chan was getting ready to spend the night with his 'least favourite person', Minho was excited to be spending the night with his favourite person.

Also disclaimer I know things may seem to be going fast but I wanted them to become friends quickly so I could get the plot moving I promise it won't be one of those cringey stories where they get together in the first few chapters!!!
And if anyone can guess what Minhos secret is you get a prIZE (jk but im curious)


(sorry for any spelling mistakes Im too lazy to read over it)

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