What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

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( I bet you guys thought that was the last chapter! Sorry to be a teaser! Here you go. Don't worry there is still a few chapters left!)


"Sonic is safe and that's all that matters." Tails opened his eyes up and looked at all his friends and the love of his life go. He looked around the room. "So this is where it ends Tails." He said to himself. He looked down at the bullet wound in his abdomen and put his hand back on it. "No way of getting out of this one." He watched as the falling cieling pieces hit the ground around him. He closed his eyes. Something blew against his ear. "Wha--?" Tails said looking at were the wind current was coming from. It was a air duct. Tails quickly slid himself towards it. The walls were crumbling everywhere. "It's a wonder this room lasted so long." He told himself he tried kicking the vent open. Once, twice, *bam* it broke off the wall. Tails crawled into the vent using his one good leg and free arm to push himself towards the light shining down the tunnel. He kept pushing. An explosion is heard. Tails looks down the shaft were he just came from it was closed off from the debry. He pushed himself further and further. 20ft, 15ft. The vent system starting collapseing in on itself. Tails speed up. 10ft, 5ft. The shaft was close to crushing him now. He reached for the edge of the vent and pushed himself out. He fell another 10 ft onto the ground rolling down the hill. The vent he was just in shot out smoke and debree all over. He tumbled down. Farther and farther before landing on the beach with a smack. He looked up at the sky. "I'm alive." He said suprised and smiling. "I'm alive!" he yelled joyfully. He crawled over to a stick and and some old sail clothe, he made a cast for his arm and used the stick to walk. He could see the figures of people standing about 100ft away. "Hardest walk of my life." Tails snickered to himself limping towards the others. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right?" He said laughing.

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