Brotherly Love

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"Sonic don't go please, I don't know what I'll do without you. Please stay I don't want to see you get hurt." Tails said worriedly.

Sonic looked at Tails with compassion and confidence.

"Tails don't worry I won't be gone long and the fate of the world is at risk, I have to go." Sonic replied.

"Sonic there is no way you will win, you said you would never leave my side as long as I was your friend." Tails said beginning to cry.

"I have to Tails, I'm sorry." Sonic says shaking his head and  running off into the distance.

Tails sits and sobs, feeling alone and abandoned; worried for his friends life.

*End of Flashback*

"Huh?" Tails says opening his eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling.

"What happened?" he says to himself.

He looks over at the clock. 8:45. It's early morning. "What's going on?"he says questioningly. 

Tails couldn't recall the turn of events that had unfolded the day before, he  suddenly realizes he is not alone in the bed. He feels around and touches something pointy.  A quill... undoubtedly Sonic. He looks over at Sonic sleeping.

"He looks like an angel when he sleeps" says Tails to himself thoughtfully.

A headache began to cloud his thoughts.

" I need a glass of water to clear my head." Tails said getting  up slowly, making sure to not wake up Sonic. Tails suddenly feels a sharp pain in his leg making him yelp in pain. He collapses back down onto the bed. Sonic, hearing this, wakes up quickly and looks around.

" Didn't mean to wake you." Tails says innocently.

Sonic looks at him, his eyes watered with tears.

"Tails your alive!" Sonic wraps his arms around him compassionately.

Tails blushes and replied sarcastically. "Well of course I'm alive, what happened?"

"You crashed the Tornado and you were in very bad condition I thought you were a goner for sure." Sonic said his face an expression of guilt and shame.

Tails noticed Sonic wasn't  keeping eye contact, was he really that upset with himself? It wasn't his fault.

"Well I'm ready to get back in action!" Replies Tails gleefully.

Sonic pulls him down back on the bed quick. "I don't think so, you are going to stay in this bed for a few more days."

"What about Eggman? And the team?" Replies Tails dissapointed.

"They will be fine, I put Amy in charge, she will have fun bossing the others around anyway." Sonic said with a grin.

This made them both laugh, imagining the scenario.

"So I'm stuck here with nothing to do? That's rather boring." Tails said glancing around.

"Sorry bud, I am not letting you get hurt any worse than you already are. If you need anything you ask me. Alright?" Sonic said with care.

"Fine." Says Tails sadly.

"Now lay back down and get some rest you'll need it."says Sonic enthusiastically. "I'll make you breakfast."

Sonic leaves and goes to the kitchen quickly as the commotion of rattling dishware commences.

"He is so sweet." Tails thought to himself. " I only wish I could tell him how I felt."

He hesitated thinking of the blue hedgehog bustling away in the kitchen. Bending over to get dishware and the hot steam of the food brushing last his quills.

"Stop thinking like that Tails, you guys are just friends and that's it." He reassured himself abrubtly.

Tails looked over at the wall. A picture of him and Sonic playing volleyball gleamed back.

"Man that was a while ago, I thought he surely would have lost that by now."

All of a sudden Sonic walked in with 2 eggs and a piece of toast. The eggs a medium well and the toast buttered to oblivion.

"Eat up Tails, you will need the energy."Sonic said proudly, handing the plate to him.

Tails was surprisingly very hungry and ate the whole thing quickly with a few bites.

"Slow down bud, don't want you getting a stomach ache." Sonic set the plate aside.

"How are you feeling?" Sonic asked motherly. 

"Could be worse." Replies Tails shrugging his shoulders.

"Well if you need anything use you transmitter and give me a call. I'm going to go and get some more herbs from Sticks for you." Sonic said smiling. "I'm glad you are doing better. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You give me to much credit but Okay." Says Tails giggling.

Sonic smiles slowly shutting the door behind him and running off towards Sticks.

"He has been acting a little different." Tails pondered, remembering the hedgehogs strangeness.

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