The Kiss and Sacrifice

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(Hey guys I know I said I wasn't going to post another chapter till this weekend but I couldn't wait to post it, so here you go! Please tell me what you think!)

Sonic wakes up and looks over at the clock on the wall. 6:25. It's early in the morning. He feels an emptyness beside him and looks over to see that Tails is gone."where did he go?" Sonic thought. Sonic got up and started searching around the fox's house. He wasn't in the bathroom but it looks like it was used only minutes before. Sonic hesitates. Tail's shoes are missing, he steps outside to see Tails sitting on a boulder throwing rocks into the clear blue ocean. The waters rippling from the rocks impact. Sonic walks over. "Tails? Is everything alright?" Tails puts his head down. Sonic climbs up the side of the rock and sits next to Tails. Touching shoulder to shoulder. "Sonic thanks for last night it meant a lot, it's kinda embarrassing that I still am afraid of lightning." "Hey Tails anything for a friend, and no it's not.... everybody is afraid of something." Sonic said smiling. "I'm afraid of water! Now that's embarrassing."Tails looks over at Sonic, into those deep sea green eyes. Sonic meets Tails's gaze. "Thanks Sonic it is very sweet of you to say---. Sonic gets closer to Tails. Tails heart starts beating faster. Tails starts to worry. "Wait but Sonic is dating Amy!" Before Tails can back off Sonic reaches over and cups Tail's head in his hands and gives him a kiss that seemed to last a lifetime. Tails blushes and his heart is beating so fast that his chest hurts. Sonic moves back quickly and looks down embarrassingly. "Damn. What did I do that for. I don't even know if he likes me." Sonic thought. There is a sudden explosion in the distance, breaking Sonic's train of thought. Tails looks at Sonic. "My workshop." Tails says worriedly. They both take off running, with Tails lagging a little bit behind, Untill they reach the explosion. "Hah hah hah! Told you Sonic! I told you I would be back. Mwaaa ha ha!!" " My workshop!" Tails cries. "You will pay for this Eggman!" Tails screams. "Oh if it isn't Tails the crippled fox." You know I planned on killing Sonic but
Killing his sidekick is just as good. To bad that didn't go according to plan. Mwaaa ha ha!" "You leave him alone Egghead!"Sonic yells. "My workshop....." Tails sits and picks up pieces of tools and machinery. While Sonic and the rest of the team battles Eggman. "First you attack me but then you attack my friends?!" Sonic spin dashes all the robots that keep coming. One after one the robots explode. He then gets a perfect shot at Eggman. "I'm sending you back were you came from Egghead!" "Ah ah ah. Not so fast Sonic I have something of yours." Eggman presses a button on his transmitter. It shows a halogram of some woman. "Sonic!" Yells the woman. "What do you want Eggman!!?" The woman screams, Suddenly. "Mom?!" Sonic says surprised "Sonic help!" She yells. "What are you doing with her!" Sonic screams at Eggman."if you don't surrender by tomorrow afternoon she will become one of my henchman robots! Mwaaaa ha ha!" Eggman laughs. Tails looks up at Eggman. "Take me instead Eggman. I can prove to be of more of an asset then her. I have the knowledge to build you robots worthy of defeating Sonic." "Tails no!" Sonic says running over to Tails. "Ah know this can prove to be interesting" Eggman pushes a button on the transmitter he has. "Bring the women, I have a better person for that cell." Sonic looks at Tails."Bud, what are you doing! You know he will make you do awful things!" Tails gets teary eyed. "Sonic there is something I've been meaning to tell you......" "Hurry up I don't have all day!" Eggman says angrly. Suddenly a boat can be seen carring the woman. "Sonic I.....I....I." The boat hits shore and the robots throw the woman off on to the shore. "We can figure something out Tails I know we can. We could trick him into giving you back or---" "Sonic you know that won't work. Eggman has gotten smarter and he won't fall for that." Tails says sadly. "Times up!" yells Eggman. All of a sudden the two robots that were on board hovered over and grabbed Tails. "STOP!" Yells Sonic as he tries getting Tails away. "I don't think so." Eggman says and points his Lazer at Sonic's mother. "Let go of Tails or else!" He says smirking. Sonic let's go. "It's okay Sonic. I'll be fine for the time being." Tails says crying a bit. "Go help your mom. "Oh and Sonic." Tails reaches his head over and wispers something into his ear. Sonic freezes up. "Say goodbye to your little friend! Mwaaaa ha ha!" The robots throw Tails on the boat and start it up. "Nice doing business with you." Eggman says smiling. "See you around..... Hedgehog." Suddenly the boat takes off with Eggman on it's heals. The team rushes over to Sonic's mom and picks her up. "Are you okay?" They ask in unison. "Yah I'm fine." She states. Sonic walks over teary eyed and hugs his mom. "Mom, they took Tails......I need to go save him." " We will soon but not right now, he would be expecting us and he would hurt Tails if he found out you were following him, I promise we will get him back." Sonic's mom said stroking her son's hair. "I promise we will get him back.......I promise."

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