Welcome to your New Home

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(Here you go guys! Hope you enjoy!)


"Sonic." Tails wispers. " I love you."
*End of Flashback*
"Wha---" Tails looks up at a cold damp cieling. "Where am I? I guess they hit me pretty hard." Tails had a horrible headache. Tails remembered what happened. "At least I told Sonic how I feel about him before anything happens to me. At least if I die here I will be at peace with myself." Tails looked around the cell. There was one big window on the wall of the cell that had bars as thick as his arms and a little mat for him to lay on. "Well at least Eggman was nice enough to give me this." Tails picks up the shanty mat and throws it down. A door klicked nearby. Tails could barely make out the silouet. Eggman. "How do you like your new room Tails?" Eggman laughed. "What do you want with me?" Tails asked. "You see Tails the original plan was to capture Sonic but you opened my eyes to the big picture....if I capture Sonic the only gain I get is personal achievement...
but if I have you I can create a Robot army that would be impossible to defeat. Thus making me more capable of taking the world with an Iron fist." "And how exactly do you expect me, after all you have done, to help you." Tails says rudely. "You see why you were laying here in this cell I thought the same thing. So if you were actually looking you would have noticed that I had put a ankle bracelet on you." Tails looked down at his foot curiously. "That" Eggman said, "can keep you---" "Within the borders of the lair, and if I try to escape I will be pulverized immediately." Tails interrupted. "Clever fox" Eggman smirked. "Can't wait to put that little mind of yours to the test. " The first thing I need to do is run some tests on you." "And why is that?" Tails asked. "You'll see." Eggman snickered to himself. "Now follow me." Tails walked over to Eggman and they began climbing up the stairs. When they reached the door Eggman opened it. The light momentarily blinded Tails. "Welcome to where all the evil genius plans are put in action!" Tails looked around. There was lab aquipment everywhere and computers here and there. "Now this is where your going to be working for now on, and don't try to pull anything sly on me fox. I have put monitors and cameras everywhere in here. Even the computers are being monitored at this very moment." Eggman said proudly. Tails looked around the room spotting all the cameras. "Well you weren't lieing." Tails responded. Eggman ignored the comment and continued on, "The first thing I'm gonna have you do is adjust my Eggmobile. I want it faster and with more space to carry weapons ,while still being able to fit the controls." Tails looked around. "And if I decide not to?" Eggman pressed a button and Tails felt a huge burst of Electricity burst through his body. "Ahhhh!" Tails said falling to the ground helplessly. " Don't worry I'm sure you will do as I say." Eggman said leaving the room snickering. Tails looked at the ankle bracelet. "Great so it has multiple uses." Tails looked down at the ground realizing that he may never leave this place. He starts to cry but forces his tears back. "I need to be strong and have hope." Tails told himself. If Sonic can't help me hear then I will have to figure out my own way." He thought to himself. "First I need to start on this heap of metal before Eggman thinks I'm planning something." Tails reaches for a photo in his pocket of him and Sonic. "I'm sorry it had to come to this." He puts the picture back and begins to do his work. " I'm sorry Sonic."

 Love Through Life's StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora