The Secret Plan

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"C'mon." Tails had been putting a few minor kinks in the tank. "He grabbed a switch and started filling the tank with water. "Hopefully this plan works." He said to himself. He went over to the computer and booted it up. He hacked into the controls and turned off the cameras. "Piece of cake." He left it open to the controls. He went over to a locked safe and opened it. No alarms went off. "Nice." Tails said. "He grabbed his transmitter and goggles for his plane. He walked back over to the computer and looked at the camera outside of the room. The two robots were still there guarding the door but they were looking at something. Eggman and there was somebody behind him.....Sonic. One by one the rest of the team followed handcuffed together by some electrical chains. Tails closed the tab and opened the controls again searching for the handcuffs in the list of security things. He went down the list until he finnaly found it. He kept the tab opened and smilked to himself. "Okay I think everything is ready." He looked around the room with a smile. "Eggman might of thought he could outsmart me but he forgot a couple things." Tails waited over by the counter where the lights were off and waited. Any second now they would come through that door. Tails took a deep breath. "Alright," he said confidently, "I'm ready."

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