Dark Skies and Scary Nights

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(Thanks for reading guys! I really hope you like it! I plan on posting another chapter this weekend or next week. Thanks again for reading this far! Please leave a comment!)  ;)


"Just keep running Tails, just keep running. There is a shortcut around here somewhere....ah there it is. Ow! My leg!" Tails stumbles onto the ground.
"Tails I would never leave you behind! Your my best friend. Your like a brother to me!"
*End of Flashback*
Tails gets back up and keeps going. "I feel so scared inside, what happens if Sonic finds out that I love him? I can't risk our friendship, there is to many high stakes. The way he looked at me though......and the way he dried my fur.....it felt so nice. Snap out of it Tails he is way out of your league, plus he is dating Amy now." "If I knew him and Amy were together I would have never stayed as long as I did." Tails thought to himself. "Sonic said something to Amy though while she was speaking but I didn't quite catch  it." Tails keeps running, it's pouring and he starts shivering from the cold. "Must get home and rest." He says to himself. Suddenly lighting strikes nearby. He screams and runs faster. He finnaly reaches his home and slams the door behind him. The lighting strikes closer this time and it's a lot louder. He runs into his room and hides in the corner and cries. "Dumb lighting phobia." He tries to stop himself from crying but realizes he isn't just crying because of the lightning so he just let's it flow. Tails starts to feel sleepy and lays on the ground. He thinks he hears a window creak open but second guesses himself, he begins to cry again. Suddenly he hears something. Tails gets very scared and starts to wimper a little."Tails, buddy, come hear I promise the lightning won't get you, I'm right here, I'll protect you." Tails scoots closer to the blue hedgehog. "Shhh Tails it's alright. Your okay buddy. The lightning won't get you I promise." Tails starts to say something but can't quite finish it before sonic gives him a big hug. "He is so warm!" Tails thought. "This is wrong I shouldn't be doing this, he is dating Amy." Tails starts to get sleepy. "Well one time can't hurt, it's just one night." He snuggles closer to the blue hedgehog and begins to drift into a deep sleep. "Tails there is something you should know I....." Tails let's out a little snore. "Nevermind some other time maybe." Sonic gets comfortable and starts to drift off into a sleep too.

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