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Sonic and everyone talked to each other about what was going on. "Okay guys everyone understands that these robots should be fiercer and meaner right?" Everyone nodded there head at Sonic. He told them the plan. "Okay so the plan is to destroy all the robots and use Tails's plane here," Sonic points to the plane that was now in Village Square. "To follow Eggman back to his lair. From there we will inflatrate the lair and look for Tails and get out." "Piece of cake." Knuckles said cracking his knuckles. "The catch," Sonic said with seriousness. "Eggman's lair I'm sure is heavely gaurded and it will be hard to penetrate it. Also who knows what else he has up his sleeve." Sonic looked around him. At all the friends and family that was joining him. "We all are a team here okay? No going off without someone and if you need help don't be afraid to ask." Everyone nodded again. A faint rubbling could be heard in the distance. The Eggmobile. "Okay guys get ready.." every one stood there waiting. Nothing. "Where is he?" Shadow asked puzzled. "Yah I don't here the rumbling anymore." Amy said looking around. All of a sudden a net shot out wrapping itself around the three hedgehogs. "Ah!" Villeta said. "What the hell!" Shadow said trying to rip out of the net. Amy and the others ran over to free them. "We will get you out Sonic, just a sec."  She said before another net shot from somewhere capturing the remaining team. "Wha--?" Sticks and Amy said in unison. Knuckles tried punching his way through the net. "Mwaaaa ha ha!" Suddenly Eggman uncloaked himself from right in front of them. "Tails is pretty good at building things I admit." Eggman said staring at all of them. "What the hell do you want you over weight middle aged---." "I want you all to come with me of course." Eggman interrupted Shadow. Eggman pressed a button on his remote. Suddenly the two nets were hanging from the Eggmobile. "You know how long I've waited for this day Sonic?" Eggman said laughing. "Too long." Sonic said coldly. "Put us down." Amy said angirly. "Yah put us down." Sticks said. All of a sudden two scissors came out the sides right above the nets. "One more word out of any of you and I will cut this string and let you drown." Eggman said fiercely. They all were quiet. "Tails is building me a little surprise for all of you." He chuckled to himself. "Tails would never hurt us!" Villeta yelled. "He would if he wants to live." Eggman smirked. "When I get out of this net I sware I will personally kill you myself." Sonic said with such fierceness that it frightened the rest of the team. "Don't even try. If you even try to escape I will have my robots execute Tails for you." Eggman said coldly. The lair could be seen in the distance. Sonic felt hopeless. "Eggman clicked some switches on his transmitter. "Open the hatch to the lair. I'm bringing some visitors. Oh and tell Tails that he did a great job. But he better have my water tank ready." Eggman switched off his transmitter and flew the rest of the way untill they reached the lair. "I captured all of you and all I needed was one fox. Pathetic." He laughed. "At least we will get to see Tails." Sonic thought to himself. The hatch was open to the lair. All they saw was darkness.

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