The Kidnap Of The Kazekage

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Suddenly  loads of crows appeared and formed into Itachi. "You love my brother don't you?" All of a sudden Itachi asked you. You give him a small nod. "Why? even after he left the village. You could find someone better to fill his place. Why do you still love him?" Itachi asked you. "To lose someone you love is like altering your life forever, The pain and sadness you felt may stop and new people comes into your life, But the hole in your heart never closes. that hole in your heart is in the shape of the person you lost and no one else can fit in that hole." You explain to itachi. 

Itachi just stared at you and suddenly bursts into crows, and shurikens and kunais come towards you. You quickly dodged the attacked and got ready to attack. Suddenly Sasuke appears in front of you and starts to attack you. Yo quickly dodge all his attacks. "I don't want to fight you Sasuke-Kun" You tell him while still dodging his attacks. "Its a Genjutsu (y/n)" You hear Sakura calling out to you. "What is going on?" You yell in frustration. Suddenly the crows and sasuke disappeared and next to you was Sakura, it looked like that she was giving you her chakra.

"W-What happened?" I ask confused. "You and Naruto were trapped in a Genjutsu" Granny Chiyo explained. "And the speech you gave about love was amazing" Sakura teased you. You open your mouth to say something Kakashi-Sensei cuts you off, "(y/n), Go on ahead, we will finish him off and join up with you" Kakashi-sensei commanded you. You give him a hesitant nod and ran pass Itachi.


You've been running for quite awhile. You sense someone following you, so you take out a kunai and get ready to attack. There was a movement in the bushes so you threw the Kunai at the bush. "Calm down, its us" Kakashi-sensei said hesitantly and Sakura , Naruto and granny Chiyo jumped out of the bushes. "Oh god, you scared me" you exclaimed. "Sorry" Sakura apologized. You let out a sigh and motioned them to follow me.

After running for several hours you finally came to the enemies base. There Team guy even joined your team. In front of you was a boulder with a seal on it. "Neji use your Byakugan to see what is going on" Kakashi-Sensei commanded Neji. He activated his Byakugan and looked inside the cave. "What is going on in there Neji" Naruto asked Neji impatiently. Neji had a horrified expression and was gasping. Naruto started to  shake Neji, ""Come on answer Neji" Naruto started to shout. "I-its hard for me to explain, you must see for yourself to understand" Neji replied. 

"Its seems like that this Is a special sealing jutsu" Kakashi-Sensei said while observing the seal tag. "its a seal where there is 6 sealing tags scattered across the area, the first one is here, now we need to find the rest of the 4 tags" Kakashi-sensei explained. "All right, Team Guy will go and get the rest of the 4 tags and Sakura will crush the boulder once the tags are removed." Guy-sensei shouted in his usual cheerful, optimistic voice. "Neji, you can locate them using your Byakugan right?" You ask Neji, he gives you a small nod and activated his Byakugan. "Found them" He said in his usual monotone voice. "Alright, TEAM GUY, LETS D THIS" Guy-Sensei shouted. Team guy put their hands on top of each others hand and lifted it up and went away.

"Lets do that too" Naruto said while stretching hiss hand out to do it. "Id rather die" "Just no" Kakashi-sensei and Sakura said bluntly. "How about you (y/n)-Chan?" Naruto asked you with hopeful eyes. "Don't you dare touch me" you replied to him. "Come on, look at how enthusiastic team Guy was" Naruto started to whine. 

"Neji reporting, I'm near the seal tag" "Lee reporting, I'm near my seal as well" "Guy reporting, I'm near as well" "Ten Ten reporting, same here" Team Guy reported back to Kakashi-sensei. "Okay, rip the seal tags off at once and Sakura will crush the boulder" Kakashi-Sensei commanded. Once team guy ripped the seals off, Sakura punched the boulder and broke it into pieces.

Once the boulder was broken, you and everyone else entered the cave like place. Infront of you was a men with blond hair sitting on Gaara and another man with a scorpion tail which looked familiar to you. "You idiot, who do you think your sitting on?" Naruto exclaimed. You place a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Naruto" You said softly. "I will kill you, give Gaara back you idiot" Naruto exclaimed while shaking you hand off of his shoulders. "The one who screams and charges first and the one who is calm and Is the nucleus of the team. That must be them"  The blond men said with a smirk. "I would like to test those two's power, You take those 3 brats while I take the 2 jinchuriki's" The blond men said while a bird made out of clay expands and created a huge bird. 

"Damn it, Give Gaara back" Naruto exclaimed while running after The blond men. You and Kakashi-Sensei follow right behind him. The blond men kept on throwing explosive clay sculptures. You dodged few of the explosions and kept running after him. "Let me take over (y/n)" You hear Momoe calling out to you. You let Momoe take over but something went wrong, You started to feel your consciousness fading away. "W-What is going on" You mumble while trying to keep running. "You fool, did you really thing I would trust you, I just pretended to trust you so that you will willingly use my power. You are too Naïve (y/n). Someone like you wont event last a second in this misery driven world " Momoe started to take over your body. "I-I wont let you" You say while trying to hold up a hand sign. Soon the black mark on your back glows and Momoe's chakra gets sealed back inside your body again.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" Kakashi-sensei asked concerned after seeing your burned and ripped off skin. "Ya, I'm fine. No need to worry" You say while giving Kakashi-sensei a serious look. "All right, Naruto listen up, I got a plan" Kakashi-sensei said while motioning us to come near him.


Kakashi-Sensei activated him Mangakiyo Sharingan and cut the blond men's right arm using 'Kamui'. After the bird fell onto the ground, You and Naruto ripped open the bird to get Gaara out. after taking him out you checked his pulse to see if he was alive. He didn't have any pulse and he wasn't breathing either. Naruto was so mad that the Nine Tails came out and went on a rampage. You took Gaara and teleported away to the clear field and gently laid him on the ground. Suddenly a huge explosion comes from the forest where your team was. But luckily they made it out alive. "I checked his pulse, He is not alive" You said in a sad tone. "Damn it. I failed to save sasuke and now I failed to save Gaara." Naruto said with his voice filleed with regret. "Its all your fault, if you didn't seal that beast inside him, then he wouldn't be like this" Naruto shouted at Granny chiyo.

Granny Chiyo walked over to Gaara and sat down next to him. "I regret Everything that I did up until now. That's why I'm going to fix it" She said while placing her hand on Gaara's stomatch and started to transfer her life into him. "I don't have enough chakra" Granny Chiyo said softly. you place your hand over hers and helped her. "I'm happy that shinobi's like you two came into this miserable world that we old people created. Naruto, you have the power to change people, use that for greater good and one day I'm sure that you will become the Hokage for sure. Sakura, you can surpass and be even stronger than that slug princess if you tried. And (y/n), You are a beautiful young lady who will make a change in  this world alongside your friend, You will grow up to be a beautiful lady. All you need to do Is Harness the power you hold and then you will be the strongest ninja to walk this planet. This is the only thing I'm going to do without regretting it" A soon as she stopped the jutsu she fell on to the ground and her lifeless body laying on the ground peacefully.

Sakura hugged Granny Chiyo's body and started to cry. "W-What's going on?" You hear Gaara's soft and calm voice. You turn around to see Gaara sitting up. "We all came here to save you" Naruto said while pointing at a army of sand shinobi's coming running towards Gaara screaming "Kazekage". Gaara just sat there in dumbfound by the sight. "Were happy that your alive" "Kazekage, you are so cool" One after another kept on complimenting Gaara. 

"What happened?" Kankuro asked. "Gaara got his tailed beast taken out of him and died, but that lady saved him. Don't worry she is just tired, when she wakes up thank her" Naruto said in his usual cheerful voice. "Naruto-Kun, she is not waking up" you bite your lips and explained to him. The grin on his face faded away and a sad expression took over his face. "Everyone, pray for Granny Chiyo" Gaara commanded and everyone lowered their head and prayed.

After returning Gaara to Sunagakure safely you all set out on our way back home. Guy sensei needed to carry Kakashi-sensei. you all were super tired and headed back to Konoha as fast as you can


sorry for the late update but I've been really busy, 

I'm hoping to update soon again

Bye for now reader-Chan :>

(Sasuke x Reader) The pain of loveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant