The Chunin Exam

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you were walking with Sasuke to Kakashi-sensei's office to hand him the form. "are you scared (y/n)?" He asked you coldly. you shook your head "Not really, I'm more excited than afraid" you tell him confidently. "you sure do have confidence in yourself don't you?" he says with a slight smile. "its good to have confidence dear" you tell sasuke. "Dear?" He questions you. "oh gosh. I've been hanging around Haruko-Sama too much lately, her politeness is rubbing of on me" you tell Sasuke with a slight chuckle. Sasuke started to chuckle a bit which made your cheeks warm up


a man who looked a bit intimidating explains the rules. You were allowed to give up if you wanted to. As the timer started you quickly flip the paper over and started reading through the questions. You answered all the question and was the 2nd to finish right after Sakura. After the timer ran out everyone dropped their pencils and listened to what the instructor has to say. "Now for the 10th question you will be given a choice, you either give up which means your team leaves too but be able to take the chunin exam next  year, or you can stay and answer the question but if you fail to answer the question you will stay as a genin forever. I will give you 5 minutes to decide." A lot of teams were leaving. You had faith in your team and you knew they wont give up.

All of a sudden Naruto raises his hand, you hid your face in your arms and started to whisper to yourself "Please don't give up, please don't give up, Naruto idiot, please don't give up" he stands up slowly and everyone stared at him. He than starts to laugh "you all thought I was going to give up? NO WAY. I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I will never give up because one day I will be the Hokage, BELIEVE IT" Naruto yelled out his big speech. you couldn't help but smile to yourself "why did I think he would ever give up" you whisper to yourself. "everyone remaining here passed the test" the instructor say and everyone started to scream of happiness while you just gave your team a smile

Suddenly a female broke through the classroom window. "I'm Anko Mitarashi, and I will be the instructor for your next phase of chunin exam, so follow me we will be heading to the Forest Of Death.


"okay for this phase each team will get a scroll, there are 26 students here so 13 of them will get the earth scroll while the other 13 will get the heaven scroll, your objective is to get 1 earth scroll and 1 heaven scroll and head to the tower, also don't look into the scroll before you reach the tower. to put it simple get 2 scrolls and not die And you will be in there for 5 days" Anko-sensei explains. "Ya I will try my best not to die while in the forest of DEATH" you say sarcastically only loud enough for your team to hear. "you have 5 minutes to get everything you need and come to my tent to pick up your scroll

your team gathers around in a corner and checked if they had everything. You decided to go and grab your teams scroll. "I'm here to pick up my teams scroll" you inform Anko-sensei. She hands you a scroll which read 'HEAVEN'. You quickly run back to your team and hand Sasuke the scroll. "we got the Heaven scroll, that means we have to find a earth scroll, right?" you ask your team to see if you fully understood. Sasuke  gives you a nod implying that what you said is correct. "the test will begin in 3.....2.....1.....Begin" Anko-sensei yells and everyone runs into the forest

after running for several minutes you come to a stop and sat under a tree "I think this should be far enough, now lets discuss our plan. first of all I think we should have a secret code" you suggested. "that is a good idea, good job (y/n)" sasuke supported your idea. You 4 decided on a code and also decided that  you would be carrying the scroll. as you were about to go into details about the attack strategy, Naruto stood up and headed into a bush. "Naruto-Kun, what are you doing" you ask him confused by his action. "I've got to pee" He says while going deeper into the bush. "I regret asking" you say with a chuckle.

after few minutes passed by Naruto came out of the bushes." that felt so good, anyways, (y/n)-Chan I think I should hang on to the scroll for now" Naruto grins and says while reaching his hand to take the scroll. you reached into your pouch and was about to take the scroll but Sasuke stops you "Naruto, what's the password " Sasuke asks him and 'Naruto' was able to say the password with ease. you frowned and threw a Kunai at 'Naruto'. "(y/n)-CHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Sakura yells at you "Don't worry Sakura-Chan, he is just a imposter" you inform Sakura. " but he said the pas-" her voice got cut by Sasuke. "what do you think Naruto would've said if we ask him the password out of the blue?" he asks Sakura. "he would say.....that...he forgot... the password" Sakura replies while processing all the information. "Sharp kids ain't ya, you're looking for my earth scroll, than you will have to kill me" He says while swallowing the scroll. "you know what, you can keep that scroll, I don't want it anymore" You say while looking at him disgusted.

He tilts his head and looks at you, "Hmm, and who may you be" the men looks at you curiously. "I'm (y/n) Hiyabunsu, from the Hiyabunsu clan" You put your hand on your hips and reply to him with pride. He's eyes widen as you tell him your name. "I see, A member from the Hiyabunsu family, I heard your Kekkei Genkai cannot be transplanted or cannot be transferred through injection, you would make a good lab rat, or maybe even a good vessel, but unfortunately I already have someone in mind as my new vessel" he says the last part while looking at Sasuke and smirking "and my name is Orochimaru"

without a warning the man called Orochimaru attacked. Blood went everywhere, the grass you hands, it was everywhere, but whose blood is that?


hey guys, I decided that it will be fun to leave you on a little cliffhanger :p

anyways bye reader-chan

(Sasuke x Reader) The pain of loveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat