The Funeral

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You wake up to Haruko-Sama softly calling out your. "(y/n) wake up, its time" She says softly while handing you a Black dress to wear. You quickly get dressed and go down to see Haruko-Sama. You both started to head towards were the funeral was. It was raining heavilly, as if the land was weeping with us. "H-Haruko-Sama, Why did he do that?" You as Haruko-Sama while Holding her hand tight. "He died as a hero, He did that to protect the one's he loves, Like you famil did. And i would do the same for you" She said while giving a small smile. You lower you head, "Don't do that" You tell her coldly. You and Haruko-Sama makes your way to the front. "Promise me, you wont sacrifice your life just to protect me" You tell her while giving her a emotionless look. "You are the pride of our clan, i will do anything in my power to protect you" Haruko-Sama said optimistically.

"Wait, isnt that the girl?" A women next to you whisper's to her friend. Her friend takes a sneak peek at you, "Thats the girl" The woman said. "I cant believe The Hokage let that Monster live here, what was he thinking." The other woman said while glaring at you. "With a power like that, She could kill us all, I'm surprised that Hokage let that Demon live." The other women said irritated. "Cut it out you two, she might hear us, besides we dont know if that information is true" A men next to the two Woman whispered to them. "Its a leaked information, so its true, besides, what can she do, kill us" The women started to laugh. "Either ways, im not accepting her as a member of Konoha, she is just a Monster who should be locked away, Her power is too dangerous" The woman said while giving you a Digusted look

"W-What are they talking about Haruko-Sama, is my Kekkei Genkai really that dangerous" You ask her while looking down at your feet. "Dear, they aren't talking about your Kekkei Genkai" Haruko-Sama replied hesitantly. "Then what are they talking about" You narrow your eyes in irritation. Haruko-Sama started to hesitate. "Umm.... I" before Haruko-Sama could finish her sentence, The funeral began. You looked around to see everyone crying. You feel your eyes watering up, so you look up into the sky so it look's like that its just rain and not tour tears

Everyone put their flowers on the Hokage's grave and said their final words to him. It was finally your turn. You place a bundle of white tulips on his graves. You fake a smile, "Thank you for being a father figure for me, I will never forget what you did for us, the sacrifice you made for us" You say softly as tears start to role down your face. Haruko-Sama places her hand on your shoulder, "Let's go (y/n), crying wont help" She said while giving you a fake smile, But you saw through her Fake smile.

"Haruko-Sama......" You call her name softly. "Come on, I have loads more jutsu's to teach you" She said cheerfully. You give her a small nod and said"I would like that" You give Haruko-Sama a quick hug. She leads you to a meadow of Purple Lily's. "I find peace here, And when I was little I use to train here" Haruko-Sama says while a true smile appears on her face. "So, we're going to train here?" you ask her while walking farther into the Meadow. Haruko-Sama gives you a nod and takes your hand and started to lead you towards a rock.

She sits down on the rock and rests her head in her palm. "Now, the Jutsu I'm going to teach you today will be special." She explained while taking her hand up and she had her palm facing the sky, Soon she mutters some words and a Rock on fire appears on her hand, it looked like a mini Meteorite. Your eyes sparkles in amusement. "This is the 'Moeru Inseki' jutsu. For this you will need to fuse the energy from space into your chakra." She explained to you. As she closed her hands the flaming rock ball vanishes. "You try it" She said while looking at you with curious eyes. 

You struggled to get the pose right so Haruko-Sama helps you. You were able to do the Jutsu but it was weak. You and Haruko-Sama decided to take a break for a bit. You went and sat down under a tree while Haruko-Sama went home to get some food for both of you. "You're so pathetic" A female voice inside your head said. "W-Who are you?" You said while looking around. "You're so dumb, I didn't want to speak to you, But I guess I have no choice" The voice spoke again. Suddenly the atmosphere changed. You no longer were in the meadow, You were in a dull and dark room (The room is kinda like 9 tails). In front of you was a cage, Inside that cage was a female Fox. The Fox was laying majestically with her tail wagging slowly

"Who are you?" You ask the Fox again. "I feel insulted, I would've thought that the elders would tell the young one's about me," The fox said in a 'I'm-so-offended' Tone. "I will ask one more time, Who Are You?" You repeat your questions but this time your tone was more harsh. "Easy there little one, We wouldn't want you to poop your pants out of anger" The Fox said Sarcastically. You roll you eyes. "I'm Momoe, and I wont beat around the bush, So ill get straight to the point, I need you to undo this seal" Momoe said while looking at a seal paper on the gate. "And why would I do that?" You raise an eyebrow and questioned her. She looks you straight in the eye. "Looks like we have to part away. If I were you, id undo this seal." Momoe said while closing her eyes and resting her head on her paws.

You open your eyes to see Team 7 and Haruko-Sama in front of you. "Oh, good, you woke up" Kakashi-sensei said while sitting down next to you, the rest sit down as well. Haruko-Sama handed you a Bento. You take it and looked at it without eating it. "Haruko-Sama..." You say in a low voice causing everyone to look at you. "Why didn't you tell me about Momoe?" You say coldly. Haruko-Sama and Kakash-sensei both looked shocked and hesitant at the same time while Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were confused.

"W-Where d-did you hear that name from?" Kakashi-Sensei asks hesitantly. "I met Momoe" You say bluntly. Haruko-Sama lets out a sigh, "I guess you would have found out sooner or later" Haruko-Sama said with a calm voice. "Who is Momai?... Miomai?" Sasuke asked while struggling to say the name. "Momoe, also know as the Ruthless Demon fox Queen. She was the most feared beast to ever live. Everyone feared her, she had incredible power. But she was captured and put under the Hiyabunsu Clan's supervise. I heard rumors saying that they sealed Momoe into a girl but never thought it was true" Kakashi-Sensei explained. Everyone except Haruko-Sama was surprised. "Y-You mean, (y/n)-Chan is a jinchuriki?" You could feel the anger in his voice. 

"We had no choice" Haruko-Sama starts to justify the reason for the clans action. "Momoe somehow was able to break free from her realm and she started to attack the village. And at the time the head of the clan, Tira Hiyabunsu, had a 1 month old child. As a leader she made a sacrifice for her clan" She explains the reason. "S-So that means I'm Momoe's Jinchuriki?" You ask Haruko-Sama. She gives you a small nod. "I see, I need some alone time" You say while standing up to leave

You leave the Meadow and straight into the forest. You started to leap from tree to tree. You quickly stop in your track as you hear a sound from the bushes. You quickly take your Kunai out and got into fighting stance. "Well, Well, if it isn't the special member of the Hiyabunsu Clan, (y/n)" A black silhouette appears near the bush. His or her eyes were red, Blood red. You narrow you eyes to see who it was. The person walks out of the shades. You were able to get a good look at him. Your eyes widen as you realize who it is. "Y-Y-You, I-It cant be" Your eyes widen in fear. 

(Sasuke x Reader) The pain of loveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα