The survival test

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you wake up earlier than you would usually which gave you enough time to train a bit and get ready for the test. you decided to train until it was 4:36. you quickly put a Espionage Ninja Dress and tied your headband onto your waist and you quickly grab your tool belt put it on and headed out to the forest training field. there you saw Sasuke already waiting for the team to come. you stand next to Sasuke waiting for the others to show up. soon enough Sakura and Naruto showed up. you wait there watching Naruto and Sakura arguing about something. after waiting for what felt like a eternity kakashi sensei showed up

" sorry guys... I saw a black cat cross the road so I had to take the long way" he said while rubbing the back of his neck "THATS A LIE"  Both Naruto and Sakura said in sync. you let a small sigh escape your mouth and waited for kakashi sensei to explain the rules "okay so here are the rules as you can see I have 3 bells, you will need to take them from me, but as you see there is only 3 bells meaning which one of you will be send  back to the academy, and if you go easy on me than you cant win, understood?" everyone nods "okay, ready, set, go" The moment kakashi sensei said go you leap into the bushes behind and hid while watching Naruto attack kakashi sensei head on. you sigh and whispered to yourself "I swear that boy WILL get us killed someday" suspecting that Kakashi sensei noticed you head out deeper into the forest

Along the way you were singing a song to yourself " ~I was chosen that day, I was learning to fly, the world took me away, but please don't you cry, and I chosen you today, to try and be strong, so please don't you cry, don't say I'm gone, when you're feeling alone, just remember our love, I'm up near the starts, looking down on you from above, remember our love, in a moment you will see, that I'm still right beside your side, when you're thinking of me~" you sing softly to yourself. all of a sudden someone jumps behind you from the trees. you quickly took a kunai and prepared to attack "relax"  you heard a familiar voice, it was sasuke-kun, you sighed in relief and put back your kunai 'the song you sang........ it was beautiful......' Sasuke told you avoiding your eyes in order not to make things awkward "Thanks, my care taker in the orphanage sang me that song saying that it was written in a piece of paper that I held when they found me" you gave him a small smile. suddenly you hear Sakura's crying out "Sasuke check the left side I will check the right side" you commanded him, he gave you a small nod and you to parted away.

as you ran farther into the forest you came face to face with kakashi sensei, you quickly take out your kunai and got into a fighting stance, Kakashi sensei waits for you to attack first. you quickly raise your kunai to distract Kakashi sensei, you quickly body flickered behind kakashi sensei and roundhouse kicked his back which made him lose his balance a bit. you quickly body flickered up into the air and threw 10-20 shuriken and kunai. he was able to dodge all of that you kept on throwing kunai and shuriken as a distraction while a clone of you came from behind kakashi sensei and was successful in taking the bell but kakashi sensei hit your clone on the stomach making it disappeared and dropping the bells just as kakashi took the bell, the alarm went off signaling that it was time up

you went to the polls were Naruto-kun was died to one poll. you went over and sat down next Sasuke and listened as kakashi sensei spoke "I'm disappointed in you all, Sakura, you let yourself fall for such a simple Genjutsu, sasuke, you letted your guard down, Naruto, you are suppose to find a place to hide NOT attack directly and finally (Y/N), you putted up a good fight and you were able to take the bell from me for a brief minute" everyone was shocked as they looked at you, Sakura gave you a sweet smile, Sasuke looked at you amused and Naruto was screaming ' I KNEW (Y/N)-CHAN COULD DO IT, GOOO (Y/N), YOU'RE THE COOLEST'  " However.." everyone went silent and listened to kakashi sensei  "you only used Body flicker jutsu and shadow clone's and that's all, you need to use more jutsu's if you want to put up a real fight"

"non of you passed........BUT I'm willing to give you a second chance, so eat up now and get ready for the afternoon and remember DONT. FEED. NARUTO"  With that said he disappeared. as you were eating your Bento you kept on hearing Naruto's stomach grumble. As you were about to offer your Bento, Sasuke quickly gives Naruto his bento. Naruto refused at first but agreed later, Sakura fed Naruto Sasuke's bento and you and Sasuke share a bento

all of a sudden our of nowhere Kakashi sensei appeared, we all thought we were going to fail but..... "you all pass"  He gave you guys a thumbs up "p-pass? h-how?"  Sakura asked still trembling in fear ''well its true that in the ninja word people who disobey order are considered scum, but people who leave their comrades are worse than scum"  You all gave each other a big smile and shouted out together "YAAAAAY"  Kakashi sensei let out a sigh and smiled "Okay... team 7 will officially start their mission from tomorrow on wards, so go home and rest"

you and sasuke walked to your home's on the way you and sasuke finally had a normal conversation for the first time. after entering your house you quickly got into your pj and drifted of to sleep, weirdly enough you were thinking of Sasuke as you fell asleep "Did I fall for him, ...... no I couldn't have" you smiled to yourself and before you knew it you were fast asleep

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