Fear Of Change

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"Wake up (y/n). Wake up" You wake up to the sound of Naruto calling your name. You sit up and started to rub your eyes. You blink twice to adjust your eyes to the surrounding. "We need you to come along with me to convince the Raikage to not to kill Sasuke" Naruto explained. "N-Not to K-Kill Sasuke?" You ask in confusion. "It looks like Sasuke joined the akatsuki and captured the 8 tails who is the Raikage's brother." Kakashi-Sensei explained. You quickly grab your tool pouch and tied your headband on your waist. Yamato tossed over a cloak. You put on the cloack and used its hood part to cover your head. "Lets go" You say in a serious tone.


we entered a snowy and icy land. You stick your hands out a bit and let some snowflakes fall on your hand. "Where are we going?" You asked Kakashi-Sensei. "The land of iron. They are having a Kage conference." Kakashi-Sensei explained in his usual tired voice. You let out a sigh and watched as smoke came out of your mouth. Suddenly Naruto runs over to a muscular men. Naruto blocked the mans path and lowered his head. "Please. Don't kill Sasuke. you can beat me up as much as you want like she did. But please leave Sasuke alone" Naruto started to beg. You walk over to Naruto's side and clasped your hands and looked him straight in the eyes. "Please. like he said, We will take care of Sasuke. please don't harm him" You begged as your eyes got blurry because of tears.

"Move aside." The Raikage said as he walked pass us. You and Naruto looked at each other and nodded. You two run in front of him and dropped down in front of him. "I don't wont to see another person getting killed because of revenge, So please. I'm begging of you" You both say in sync. The Raikage didn't care as he just walked pass us. You let your forehead touch the snow as tears looked down your eyes. "Raikage-Sama. Please consider what they are saying. Naruto Uzumaki and (y/n) Hiyabunsu, the 2 Hero's of Konoha is bowing down in front of you and begging from you. Please sir" Kakashi-Sensei said while placing his hands on yours and Naruto's back. 

"If they were Hero's then they wont be weak like this and begging from someone else. You all are weak. He killed my brother and I wont forgive him for that" with that said the Raikage left. You sit up on the snow as tears rolled down your face. You stand up and helped Naruto stand up as well. "We will stay in a small village close by" Yamato said while already walking towards the village. You and Naruto follow him close behind. 

after entering the house you collapse on the ground out of coldness. "Are you okay" Everyone yelled in sync and rushed over to you. "Yes I'm fine. I'm just a cold, that's all" You reassured them and gave them a smile. "If you say so. we will be heading out for a bit. You two rest up" With that said the 2 sensei's vanished. you sit down next to Naruto. The Konoha's number one most unpredictable ninja was now quite as if he forgot how to speak.

"Its good to finally meet you two. Naruto, (y/n)" You and Naruto quickly turn towards the balcony to see a men wearing a orange mask sitting on the fence. You quickly grab a kunai and got into fighting position and Naruto did the same. Suddenly there was a loud noise and a wooden cage form around You and Naruto as the wood held the men in place and Kakashi-Sensei appeared behind him with a Raikiri.

The men let out a sigh. "I do not wish to fight. I'm here to tell you my plan" The men, who you believe is in the Akatsuki based on his cloak said. "And why would we believe you?" You raise an eyebrow and questioned him. "My name is Madara Uchiha and My plan, it is called Project Tsuki no me. Its a plan to revive the 10 tails and cast a genjustu over this world using the moon. The genjustu world will be a world filled with peace and love and no war. For that to happen we need Naruto's 9 tails and (y/n)'s Momoe." The men who calls himself Madara explained his plan. "And you want us to hand over those 2. That's not happening." Yamato said in a angry tone. Madara lets out a sigh and he started to sink into the floor. "Well. I will see you later than" Madara sunk into the floor completely. 

(Sasuke x Reader) The pain of loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt