Graduation Exam

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You wake up to the loud noise of your alarm going off. You sit up and stretched your arm while yawning. You sit there in silence thinking of the reason why you set the alarm up so early. suddenly it hits you, today is Graduation day. You quickly get out of bed and went into the bathroom and got ready as quickly as possible. you pick up your blanket and clothing and stuff them into your wooden cupboard ' no time to clean up'  you thought in your head as you hurry up and stuff your face with some leftover rise balls.

"crap I'm going to be late again" you say has you struggle to find your apartment key,

"come oooon I know its in one of these piles of garbage" you say as you threw all sorts of waste and rubbish over your shoulder

"AHHAH FOUND YOU"  You say as you take the key out of a pile of worn cloths "how did this even get here?....... BUT NO TIME TO QUESTION, IM GETTING LATE'"  You quickly run out of your apartment and locked your door tight and ran to the academy.

 you reach there just in time and took a seat next to Hinata, one of the few peoples who talk to you. you tried to stay as attentive as you can but ended up dozing off. you woke up to Hinata tapping on your shoulder to wake you up 'its time for the test' she told you quietly in order not to disturb the teacher calling out the name of the students. you give Hinata a small nod and watch as everyone created shadow clones and got their Headbands "lets see whose up next... hmmm... oh (F/N) you're up next"  Iruka sensei called out to you

you walked to the front of the class and looked at everyone, then back at Iruka sensei and successfully created 3 clones of yourself. everyone including Iruka sensei gave a small clap after handing you the Headband. you return back to your seat and packed your bag getting ready to leave as soon as the bell rings. after 4 minutes the bell finally rang and everyone dashed outside, but you were staying back to help clean the classroom

~AFTER EVERYONE WENT HOME~(except for the students assigned to clean the class)

you started to erase the board while a boy with raven black spiky hair  was cleaning the window, in the distance corner there was a girl with pink hair practically drooling over the black haired boy. you always found love to be weird and not a necessary emotion, so you avoided them and did my duty. as you were cleaning the shelves 5-7 books fell out and a vase which was on top of the shelf fell and broke. you kneeled down to pick it up, but the black haired boy already beat you to it. he took  the books and handed me them and started to clean the shattered glass pieces from the vase. you gave him a small smile and said "thank you"  but he didn't answer back, he just went on to clean the desks, which you thought was kind of rude. you could feel the anger from  the pink haired girl from earlier, you shrugged off and picked up your bag and went home


as I was cleaning the windows, I noticed a really interesting girl. she was the probably the same age as me and was a little bit shorter. I saw her going towards the shelves to clean them, I knew that  the shelves were not balanced properly and I quickly turn to tell her. as I was turning to tell her, 5-7 books fell and a vase on top fell and broke. I let out a small sigh and went over to help her. after handing her the books I went to cleaning the glass pieces. she thanked me but I didn't reply back because I didn't want to say anything to make her sad or upset. I could fell sakuras anger and jealousy but I didn't care. after finishing off my works I headed him and ignored sakura as she was irritating you


I saw as sasuke got close to her and helped her out. I got really mad and jealous though I'm not going to lie she was really beautiful. I wanted sasuke to help me out. I  narrowed my eyes and watched as she left and took this as my chance to be with sasuke, but he left shortly after and ignored me completely. I went to my house as well


You sit down on the bed and leaned against the wall thinking about what happened today. before you knew it you were drifting of to sleep

(Sasuke x Reader) The pain of loveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum