Chapter 28 - A New Lead

Start from the beginning

After a while I sat up straighter in my chair. "Hey guys listen to this!"

'At this point it is worth mentioning a little known theory put forth by Simon Jeffries, one time professor of theoretical science at the University of Heidelberg. While this theory has not been very well received among the scientific community, Jeffries posits that it has merit. According to this theory, whenever an author develops a fictional world with enough detail, that world has the potential to become at least one universe in reality, though over time it may splinter into additional universes, according to the theory of multiple universes in general. Jeffries' theory is not clear about at what point this actual universe comes into being, nor what happens to it afterwards. As previously stated, no one else accepts this theory as a realistic possibility, but it is worth mentioning for it's philosophical contribution to the field.'

Dean started typing before I was even finished reading. "Simon Jeffries," he read. "Brilliant scientist whose many theories have advanced our knowledge of science in many positive ways. In later years Jeffries lost some esteem among his colleagues for what they considered 'irrational thinking.'"

"That's it, that's all it says?" asked Sam.

"Well it gives a list of the positions he's held. If he's still living, he'd be in his eighties by now."

"We need to find out," I said. "And if he is still living, we really need to talk to him. He's the only one who it seems might have a real inkling into what we are dealing with here."

"Agreed," said Sam, and started looking for information on his own computer as well.

"Maggie," I said, "run home and see if he exists on our world." "And hurry okay?" Maggie jumped up and headed for the garage.

Sam said, "This article says that after retirement, Jeffries moved to Cambridge, England, where his eldest son is a professor."

"What's the son's name?" asked Dean.

"Doesn't say."

Just then, Maggie came back. "I can't find any mention of Simon Jeffries on our world," she said.

"That's important," I said. "That's got to be important!"

Sam picked up his cell phone and dialed a bunch of numbers. We all stared at him. Then he said, "Yes, hello, I'm looking for a professor Jeffries, who teaches there at Cambridge. Could you possibly put me in touch with him? …. Yes, Thomas Jeffries, that would be him…. sure I'll hold…. Hello is this professor Thomas Jeffries? …. Is your father, by chance Simon Jeffries?... He is, that's great, um could you possibly tell me how I might reach him? ….. Me? Yes, I have read some of his theories and I am very anxious to speak with him…. I live in the United States….. I'm a student, yes… Thank you, I would appreciate that, here's where I can be reached."

Sam repeated his number, thanked the other person again and hung up. "His son says he's not in the best of health, but that he always likes to talk about his theories to willing listeners. He will give him my number."

"Wow," I said in awe. "You are amazing!"

We broke for some chow, and Dean wanted to take a research break and go watch some more Supernatural. "Getting addicted, are you," I asked giggling.

"Nah," he answered, "of course not. I's purely for research," he said, and headed for the viewing room.

We watched one episode and were just starting the next when Sam's phone rang, and he paused the TV. "Hello…. Yes sir this is Sam Winchester… thank you for calling me back, I really appreciate it… well sir, we read about your theory on universes being formed by fictional works, and we need to talk more to you about that…. Yes, I am aware that your colleagues dismiss your theory …. because, sir, we can prove it's true."

There was a long silence. Then Sam explained the gist of our situation to the scientist. "No, sir, this is not a joke I promise you. This is seriously happening to us, and we need to understand how and why, and mostly, what to expect now." Again we watched Sam's face as he listened for some time. Then he jumped up and got a paper and pen from the desk drawer, "Yes sir, I've got that… yes, sir, we will, and thank you."

Sam hung up and looked at us. "He wants to see all the data and proof we can send him. If he believes it's true, he says he will help us."

"Awesome," sad Dean.

"Let's start gathering materials together," I said.

By late evening we had gathered up a lot of material together. We wrote up a detailed description of everything we knew, from the beginning to now. We taped Maggie and I leaving the Impala, and coming back, and we had mom tape us leaving and returning to her car. We video taped searches on both worlds to show how they were different. We printed out a lot of material about Supernatural on our side, and showed how it didn't exist on theirs. When we had done everything we could possibly think of, we packaged it up for one of them to take to the post office in the morning.

Then we finished watching the episode we had started and headed for bed. It had been a long day. A long, but rewarding day!

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