Chapter II: Not Again...

Start from the beginning

"WHAT?!" Lucy exclaimed.

Nashi just smacked the two men away.

"My name is Nashi of Fairy Tail!" Nashi said, looking at Bora. "And I've never seen you before!"

Lucy, Bora and his men were shocked.

"Wha--?" Bora said, his eyes wide open.

"Fairy Tail?!" Lucy exclaimed while Happy was still munching on the fish on her left shoulder. "You've gotta be kidding me?! So, Nashi's a Fairy Tail wizard!?" Lucy exclaimed as she looked at the red Fairy Tail guild emblem on her right shoulder. She turned to Y/N, "Does that mean he's a Fairy Tail Wizard too?!" Lucy asked, pointing at Y/N.

"He is," Happy said, "He's one of the strongest, or I think the strongest," Happy said. 

Lucy was shocked; her eyes and jaws were wide open.

'The strongest in Fairy Tail? Doesn't that mean he's the strongest wizard in all guilds?!' Lucy thought as she looked at Y/N's calm demeanour. 

"Th-That emblem! This lady's the real deal, Bora!" said one of Bora's men, pointing at Nashi, a look of fear and nervousness on his face.

(A/N: Did I forget to mention that every girl is 20? The younger ones, like Wendy, Sherry, and Meredy, are probs around 15-16)

"You fool! Don't call me by that name!" Bora yelled nervously.

"No wonder what Y/N said in the morning was familiar. He's Bora the Prominence," Happy said, he was now on the ground, and Happy crossed his paws. "Kicked out of the Titan Nose wizard guild years ago," Happy said, his expression turned serious.

Y/N, who was hugging Aquarius, now let her go, "As much as I love comforting such a beautiful woman like you," he said, smiling as he watched her blush. "I have to take care of the situation," he said. Aquarius's expression turned sad. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving you. Lucy's with us now, or well, I hope she will," he said with a smile.

Aquarius nodded sadly, but she leaned in and kissed Y/N on the cheek; she leaned back, blushing. Then, she quickly disappeared back into the spirit world. 

Y/N stood there holding the cheek she kissed, unaware of what was happening. 

"I have no idea what you're trying to do here, buddy," Nashi said as she walked toward him, a deadly expression on her face. "And I don't care if you're a bad guy or what," Nashi said as she walked towards Bora and his men. "But I won't let you tarnish Fairy Tail's name!" Nashi yelled. 

Y/N turned around when he heard Nashi's outburst.

"And what are you gonna do about it, stop me?!" Bora said arrogantly. "Prominence Typhoon!" He yelled. Holding his hands in the air, a red magic circle appeared in front of him. Then, purple flames came out, swirling like a tornado towards Nashi.

"Nashi!" Lucy walked forward to help her. However, a hand appeared in front of her. She looked to the left to see the hand belonged to Y/N, who was smiling, looking at the spectacle. She looked at Y/N for a minute and then looked at where Nashi previously stood.

The crowd that was by the boat started to run away in fear.

"That's the way it goes, boys," Bora said with a smug look, "The bigger the talk, the bigger they fall," Bora said arrogantly, turning away and walking. 

Leaving his men stunned at the spectacle.

"Gah! This is so gross!" said a female voice. 

Bora stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow. From within the fire, he saw a silhouette of a woman within the fire. 

"Are you sure you're a fire wizard?" the female voice asked.

Suddenly the flames started to spread less and became smaller and smaller; Y/N just smirked.

"Because these are the nastiest flames I've ever tasted," said the female voice. 

Bora and his men were screaming, their eyes wide open and their jaws on the floor. Lucy was in the same state as well, but more ladylike.

What they saw would scare anyone; Nashi was standing there sucking up the flames.

"Thanks for the grub, poser," Nashi said, giving her signature grin.


(A/N: My nigga's about to be roasted. Alive.)

"Fire magic doesn't work on my Nashi," Y/N said with a grin. "Hey, Nashi! Give them a beating!" Y/N yelled to Nashi.

"Y/N?" Nashi questioned, looking around, forgetting about her boyfriend. 

"Y/N!" She said when she saw him standing next to Lucy and Happy. 

"Give 'em a beating!" Y/N yelled.

"Sure!" Nashi said happily.

"I-I've never seen anything like that," Lucy said, sweating forming around her head.

"Don't worry, your pretty head on that," Y/N said, turning around and smiling at Lucy, who was blushing when she saw his charming smile. "Quick Question, are you going to join Fairy Tail?" Y/N asked.

"YES!" Lucy exclaimed happily. She was excited, and she finally got to join her dream guild.

Meanwhile, Nashi was walking closer to Bora's men on top of the boat. Looking at her feet, you would notice steam started to rise every time she took a step.

"Now I've got a fire in my belly that's raging to get out!" Nashi said excitedly. She smashed her fist together. In front of her fists, a magic circle appeared. However, this magic circle was unique because it had a red dragon.

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!" Nashi screamed, her cheeks puffed. She put her hands in front of her mouth as if holding a blow dart tube and released a huge fire roar. Aiming at Bora and his men, it caused a massive explosion at the port.

Y/N just facepalmed, "Happy this can't be another one, can it?" Y/N asked, releasing a sigh.

"It might be," Happy said. Y/N hunched over and sighed again.

"Nashi! Please control it!" Y/N yelled.

"OKAY!" Nashi said, saluting him.

"She's not gonna listen, is she?" Y/N said, putting his hand on his hips.

"I doubt it," Happy said, sighing.

"Looks like I might have to step in," Y/N said, removing his bomber jacket. 

Lucy blushed as she saw how tight the white t-shirt was to his body. Perfect enough to show her another glimpse of what muscle he was packing.

'He's sooo hot,' Lucy thought, her heart beating faster and heart forming in her eyes. Happy looked at Lucy and grinned.

"She looooves you," Happy said aloud.


A/N: Oh? I'm sorry, were you expecting to know your powers in this chapter? Well, too bad. 

Okay, in all seriousness, it was part of the story; you will see your powers in the next chapter or at least one of them. ;)

Anyways, was that good? Did it suck? What could be improved? Tell me in the comments below. Please do vote and comment as it tells me you're enjoying the story so far. As it seems like not many are enjoying this story, so I'm having some motivation issues to continue this story.



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