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He felt like shit.

His phone cracked and he had to use his old phone to keep in contact with the others.

Unfortunately his old phone was not the screen-touch phone.

It was the old model phone. The one with the keypads.


Now he won't be able to reply Jungkook's last text.

Plus, they won't be able to meet since they were still in semester break.

So, the only he could do was privately messaged him. And he did. Several times.

And the maknae did not even reply his messages.


"Park Jimin, you have a customer in front of you."

He came out of his reverie as his boss' voice came from behind him.

Yes, he had to apply for a part-time job to save up money to buy a new phone.

Damn Jihyun.

At the moment, he was working as a part-timer at a café near his university and several times did he come across with his course-mates and dance-mates in the café.

And much to his luck, after a few moments, Taehyung came through the entrance and Jimin could not but feel more grateful for his presence at the moment.


Well, it came out much excited than he ever expected to be.

"Yo, Jimin. Long time no see. And chat. What had happened to...you?"

He could feel the younger's eyes roaming at his uniform and he rolled his eyes.

"Nothing. Long story short, I need money right now to buy a new phone. So what's your order?"

"Caramel macchiato ice blended, with cream. Large-sized, thank you."

"That would be $6.90"

Jimin mouthed out a will talk to you later to Taehyung, which the younger just nodded his head and headed to an empty seat at the corner of the café.



"Yeah. Can you help me text him up to reconfirm whether he still up for it or not?"

Jimin gave his best puppy-dog eyes towards Taehyung as the latter kept on sipping his drinks without even blinking.

"Hyung, what do I get in return then?"


"Well, I do you a favor and get something in return, you know. This is how the world works..."

Jimin pretended to think for a while before something came to his mind.

He then brought his right hand towards his lips and gave a flying kiss with a wink to the younger.

"Hyung. That's not funny. It's ugly."


Taehyung laughed at the Jimin's failed attempt to imitate Jin's famous flying kiss and put down his now empty drinks.

"Fine, hyung. I will text him up for you. For the sake of your ugly flying kiss, hahaha..."

Jimin mumbled a shut up, you brat in embarrassment before looked out of the window of the café. He was having his break and broke out of his reverie when Taehyung called out his name.

"Hyung, Kookie won't be able to make it. He has to revise for his upcoming test on the day after the concert."


He was disappointed at the unintentional rejection and let out a smile before walking back to his post, after thanking Taehyung, to which the latter just waved his hand and went out of the café.

He should not feel like this.

Wasn't that a good excuse? Studying up for the test?

He should be understanding of Jungkook.

He should not be selfish.

This is bad...

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