I'm a Potter, You're a Potter, Everyone's a Potter!

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"What are you going to do after the wedding?" Fred asked me as we laid on the lawn behind the Burrow. The stars were so bright.

"I don't know," I lied. I twisted the ring Fred gave me on my finger, a nervous habit I'd developed lately.

I'd kept my promise to Lupin, and I hadn't told anyone about my mission. Whenever Hermione mentioned going hunting for the Horcruxes (long story short: Voldermort killed a lot of people and split his soul and now we gotta find a metric fuckton of shit that could literally be anywhere) I pretended like I was going with them. 

The plan was that I was going to leave the day after the wedding, leaving a note saying how I just couldn't take any of this shit anymore and I was going to go to America. Meanwhile, I'd be at Malfoy Manor, begging Voldemort and my family to take me back. There was a chance that the plan could go very wrong and I could be killed, but hopefully I could be convincing enough. 

"You could... come live with me," Fred suggested softly.

"And George?" I asked. 

"Well... I was kind of thinking just us. Lots of places are going up for sale near Diagon Alley. We could buy a little apartment..."

I didn't say anything. Fred manuvered so he could see my face. 

"You don't think it's a good idea?" He sounded hurt. 

"I'd love to, honestly," I said. "But..."

"It's Harry, Hermione, and Ron, isn't it?" Fred asked. "They're not planning on sticking around, are they?"

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to. 

"If you want to go with them, go," Fred told me. "Go save the world. I'll be here when you get back."


"Promise. I will always be here for you, Jinx. Forever and ever."

"You're so cheesy."

"I know. You love it."

"I do."

We chuckled slightly and went back to staring at the stars. 

"What if something happens tomorrow?" I asked softlty after a moment. 

"Nothing will happen," Fred reassured me. "The Order's got this planned out perfectly."

"Have I ever told you how much I hate putting my brave face on?" I asked. Fred shook his head. "I feel like everyone expects me to always be brave, always be daring, always be bold, and I feel like I can't have a moment of weakness."

Fred didn't say anything for a second. "I think everyone feels that way."

The bottle of polyjuice potion was being passed around, each person cringing a bit as they swallowed it. 

"Harry, your potion looks disgusting," I commented, staring at the bright gold liquid. "That almost looks worse than Goyle's."

"Thanks, Jinx," Harry said sarcastically. 

"Just keeping things light, bro."

"I think it's a bit too late for that."

"Never too late for humour."

"If you say so."

"I do, Harry Pottter, I do."

The potion came to me last. I took it and held it up. 

"Cheers," I muttered before taking a swig. 

After I experienced the sensation of becoming Harry Potter (I'm not going to elaborate), us Potters all changed into identical outfits.

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