Ain't No Better Weapon Than a Shovel

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Silver Tremvodol belongs to the person who is the reason this series exists, @Shells2Snicks. This one's dedicated to her, just because she's such an awesome person and Silver's story means so much to me.


It had been precisely twenty-three minutes since Harry had left with Dumbledore to find the Horcrux. In those twenty-three minutes, I had taken my share of Felix Felicis, and started to wander the corridors in hopes of finding Draco. If Harry was right, and Draco had succeeded with his task tonight....

But even with a little bit of extra luck, my efforts were in vain. It was several minutes past curfew now, but I wasn't concerned with that. Let them put me in detention. Something bad was going to happen tonight. I could feel it. 

I thought back to the vision I had before Christmas. Something told me that vision was going to come true tonight. Ron had urged me earier to peer into the future, to see what was coming, but I refused. I knew that if I looked, what I would see would not be good. 

I decided to go back to the common room to check in with Hermione (who was currently using the Marauder's Map to track Draco) when I heard a cackling laugh from around the corner. I quickly flattened myself against the wall nearest to me.  I knew that laugh. It had been ages since I had heard it, but I would recognize it anywhere. 

It was the laugh of Bellatrix Lestrange. 

I cursed silently. What the hell was she doing here?

I heard other voices as well, voices I had heard before but couldn't place. I had a feeling that they were Death Eaters. 

Death Eaters. 

What a fucked up name. 

They could've been called Voldeminions.

What a waste of an opportunity. 

The voices started to become more distant, so I made a spur of the moments decision to follow them. I had just started to move when I stubbed my toe on something on the floor. 

"HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD," I cried before thinking. The footsteps and voices stopped. "Oh shit."

I reached down and picked up the shovel that I stubbed my toe on. 

I've decided to stop questioning the appearance of the shovel. I've come to expect it, really. The shovel has chosen me, and so I decided I had no choice but to accept. 

I lowered my vision slightly into the veil to see what was coming for me. I saw Draco climbing the steps to the Astronomy Tower. The scene changed, and I recognized the corridor around the corner from where I was. I saw Death Eaters rapidly getting closer to where I was. Ascending back into reality, I gripped my shovel and my wand and readied myself for battle. 

As soon as the first Death Eater rounded the corner, I swung without even glancing to see who it was. He ducked, so I quickly fired a stunning jinx at him before he could righten himself. He fell backward, crashing into the next Death Eater, who neatly cracked his skull against the stone floor. 

"Ouch," I commented. 

Several more Death Eaters advanced on me, all of which I took down with ease. It should have been unsettling, the fact that I seemed to have a knack for fighting, but it just seemed right. I had been fighting all my life, after all. 

I could hear curses and jinxes being casted outside in the courtyards, so I quickly ran to help. As soon as I stepped onto the grass, I saw the Dark Mark above the Astronomy Tower. Grimancing, I carried on and launched myself into battle. I didn't have time to worry about it at the moment. 

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